Collins makes language learning fun, fast and flexible. Pick up the essentials of the Polish language with this easy-to-use audio introduction. Covering everything from finding your way to talking about yourself, Collins 40-minute audio can help you learn short and simple phrases quickly by just listening and repeating. Essential words, Asking for things, Numbers, I'd like …, At the café, In a shop, Basic foodstuffs, Quantities, Tickets, Where is …? When is …? Days of the week, Problem...
Sienkiewicz's Bodies (Polish Studies - Transdisciplinary Perspectives, #10)
by Ryszard Koziolek
Sienkiewicz's Bodies focuses on the work of the most popular Polish writer from the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century. It discusses the surprising success of Sienkiewicz's writing in relation to the dissection of optimistic illusion that takes place during a reading of its cruel prose. Sienkiewicz is seen as something more than a juggler of genius in narrative prose. This conservative writer, like the modernists, knew that there was no longer any way to construct a...
Learn Polish For Kids Coloring Book Polish Learn
by Baker Coloring Book
Fast jeder weiss, wer Svejk ist. Svejk ist so bekannt, dass sogar jene etwas uber ihn wissen, die Jaroslav Haseks Osudy dobreho vojaka Svejka za svetove valky nie gelesen haben. Unbekannt ist dagegen, dass Haseks Roman ein starkes literarisches Echo gefunden hat: Svejk ist keine Figur, die ihren Anfang und ihr Ende im Werk Haseks nimmt, sondern er wirkt sich auf zahlreiche Autoren und deren Werke - die Svejkiaden - aus. Diese Arbeit stellt diese weit verstreuten tschechischen, deutschen und poln...
Polish Vocabulary for English Speakers - English-Polish - 3000 Words
by Andrey Taranov
This is a learner's Polish vocabulary, which can help you gain a good basic knowledge of the Polish language. Its 3000 words will help you understand and compose simple phrases and will be useful during a trip abroad. Simple transcriptions will help you memorize reading rules. Having learned 70% of the words contained in the vocabulary, you will be able to say, "I speak a little Polish!". Helps you learn and memorize Polish words. Contains over 3000 commonly used words. The vocabulary has 101 to...
Der Osten Des Ostens (Postcolonial Perspectives on Eastern Europe, #1)
Die Beitrage dieses Bandes belegen, dass der Begriff des Orientalismus zu einem wichtigen Arbeits- und Erkenntnisinstrument der kulturwissenschaftlich erneuerten Slavistik geworden ist. Der Plural "Orientalismen" oeffnet das Feld fur sehr verschiedenartige Konstellationen, die vom Kaukasus in der russischen Romantik uber die AEgypten-Bilder der russischen Moderne bis zu den Filmschulen Mittelasiens und zum Tschetschenien-Konflikt, vom polnischen Barockzeitalter bis zum Avantgarde-Roman der Zwisc...
Der Band enthalt die Eroeffnungsvortrage des Warschauer IVG-Kongresses und die Materialien der wahrend des Kongresses veranstalteten sieben Foren (Panels), die zentralen Fragen in der in- und auslandischen Germanistik gewidmet waren. Die Vortrage fokussieren Herausforderungen der Germanistik im 21. Jahrhundert. Peter Strohschneiders Vortrag (Germanistik in der Wissensgesellschaft) geht auf die Rolle ein, die der Germanistik in einer wissensbasierten Gesellschaft der Zukunft zugewiesen wird und d...
Beitraege Zu Einer Galizienliteratur (Wechselwirkungen, #16)
by Alois Woldan
Czeslaw Milosz, poet, literary critic, essayist and Nobel Laureate, is a familiar person to the Anglophone literary community. But American and British critics in the main are not very competent in the intimate features of Polish literary culture and have no access to the Polish language. This volume presents some of the most penetrating commentaries on Milosz's oeuvre by Polish critics. They illuminate both intrinsic poetic matters, such as the verse structure or the genre tradition, and the sp...
Polen Und Deutsche in Europa- Polacy I Niemcy W Europie (Schriften Des Zentrums Fuer Osteuropa-Studien (Zos) Der Univ, #6)
Easy Learning Polish Dictionary (Collins Easy Learning)
The home of trusted Polish dictionaries for everyday language learning. The ideal English to Polish and Polish to English dictionary for students of both languages. Designed to be easy to use and understand, it covers the essential words you need every day for use in the UK and Poland, with two helpful supplements on Polish grammar and a communication guide to everyday Polish and English. Have confidence: all translations are underlined for clarity and thousands of examples s...
Six Polish Poets makes available to the English-language reader the poetry of the younger generation of poets who whose first collections (with one exception) have been published in the past decade. Unlike the poets of the previous generation who, in the period of new-found freedom after the fall of communism, adopted a highly individualistic, anarchic, sometimes brutal style, the poets represented here re-examine and experiment with traditional poetic forms, themes and cultural references in po...
Guia de Conversacion Espanol-Polaco y diccionario conciso de 1500 palabras
by Andrey Taranov
Pick up the essentials of the Polish language with this easy-to-use audio introduction. Covering everything from finding your way to talking about yourself, Collins 40-minute audio can help you learn short and simple phrases quickly by just listening and repeating. Essential words, Asking for things, Numbers, I'd like ..., At the cafe, In a shop, Basic foodstuffs, Quantities, Tickets, Where is ...? When is ...? Days of the week, Problems, About yourself.
Literature in Exile of East and Central Europe is a collection of articles discussing authors whose homelands range from the former Soviet Union to the former Yugoslavia. For the purposes of this book, East and Central Europe comprise Russia, Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Romania, and former Yugoslavia. These writers were exiled as a result of unbearable political climates - be it nations of the Communist block, including former Yugoslavia torn by its civil wars, or in the case of Poland, it...
First Hundred Words in Polish (Usborne First Hundred Words) (First Hundred Words)
by Heather Amery
A bilingual Polish/English edition of the classic Usborne word book, illustrated by Stephen Cartwright. One hundred everyday words are illustrated in busy scenes and with labelled pictures, to help readers learn key Polish words. Don't forget to look out for the Usborne Little Yellow Duck on every page!
Im Deutsch-Polnischen Spiegel (Schriften Zur Diachronen Und Synchronen Linguistik, #2)
Im Fokus dieses Bandes steht die Problematik des gegenseitigen Bildes der Deutschen und Polen, das sich im Laufe der jahrhundertelangen deutsch-polnischen Nachbarschaft facettenreich gestaltete. Der Band stellt eine Sammlung von Beitragen dar, welche die gegenseitige Wahrnehmung anhand konkreter Texte empirisch zu analysieren und aufzudecken versuchen. Sie zeigen, wie und moeglichst warum man das gegenseitige Bild im Laufe der Geschichte evaluierte. Der Leser findet hier semantisch und textlingu...
Hero, Conspiracy, and Death: The Jewish Lectures (Cross-Roads, #3)
by Maria Janion
With Hero, Conspiracy and Death: The Jewish Lectures, the author has written a book of sweeping significance for readers interested in Polish history, Jewish history, and the Holocaust in which she asks troubling questions: Can a Jew be both a Jew and a Pole? Are we right to talk of "worthy" and "unworthy" death in the Holocaust? What are the implications of Adam Mickiewicz's philo-Semitism? In Zygmunt Krasinski's anti-Semitism, do we see the "specter of elimination"? Are humanist and enlightenm...
Die Lust an Der Maske (Heidelberger Publikationen Zur Slavistik, #32)
Die Festschrift fur Bodo Zelinsky versammelt 13 Beitrage zu Maskenkonstellationen in Literatur, Theater und Film: vom fruhen Mittelalter bis zum 21. Jahrhundert, von Byzanz bis Hollywood. Die Maske wird in Fallbeispielen als Kernproblem der anthropologischen Reflexion in Kunst und Literatur greifbar gemacht. Einen Schwerpunkt bildet die russische Literatur: von Gogol' uber Dostoevskij, Tolstoj und Cechov bis zu losif Brodskij. Die philosophisch-anthropologische Ausrichtung der literarischen Mask...
Fit every pocket -- and every traveler's need for a compact, easy-to-use, and dependable reference source.Part language instructor, part tour guide, the world-renowned Berlitz Phrase Book series has been the ideal companion guide for millions of travelers worldwide. Providing a wealth of essential information and practical tips, this popular series, redesigned and with updated phrases and expressions and over 2,300 words covering just about any situation a traveler is likely to encounter, remain...