Teacher Training Through Video: ESL Techniques, Dialogue/Drills Dialogue/Drills Workbook
by K. Lynn Savage
This series for teachers and teacher trainers gives sound, straightforward advice on good teaching methods, and practical suggestions for lessons and activities.Teacher Training Through Video brings the power of video into your staff development workshops, masters programs, or private offices. Perfect for introducing skill-based training for teachers of ESL, TTTV offers 12 unique videotapes and interactive materials that take teachers into a variety of classrooms to view different language-teach...
Linguistic Phenomenology (American University Studies, v. 63)
by Joseph J DiGiovanna
Special Education Considerations for Multilingual Learners
by Else Hamayan, Barbara Marler, Cristina Sanchez Lopez, and Jack Damico
A Kitchen Love Story: Page Turners 3 (25-Pack)
by Waring and Sue Leather
Warum erschienen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts zahlreiche Bearbeitungen des Artusstoffes fur Kinder und Jugendliche auf dem amerikanischen Buchmarkt? Diese Studie setzt sich mit der Frage auseinander und untersucht dabei aus einer primar buchmarkthistorischen Perspektive, unter Berucksichtigung des amerikanischen Verlagswesens in seiner Funktion als Vermittlungsinstanz von Literatur, die Bedingungen, Gestalt und Intention der Tradierung der amerikanischen juvenile Arthuriana. Die uber Jahre erfolgre...
Cambridge English Empower Intermediate Student's Interactive eBook
by Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones, Adrian Doff, and Craig Thaine
Everyday English Comic Book 4 (Everyday English Comic Book, #4)
by Paul J Hamel
Classics in Cultural Criticism
The second volume in Anglo-American representatives of cultural criticism, this collection focuses on critics in the United States and Canada. American and German scholars have collaborated in an attempt to present a cross-section of significant figures in New World criticism. The book covers writers from the early nineteenth through the mid-twentieth century. It is conceived and organized like its predecessor, exhibiting the same formal features and highlighting the same points of interest in t...
Children's ESL Curriculum
by MS Daisy a Stocker M Ed and Dr George a Stocker D D S
National Geographic Science K (Life Science: Animals): Become an Expert: Animals in Australia
National Geographic Science K (Life Science: Animals): Explore on Your Own: Guess the Animal
by David Moore
The Student Edition includes 2 chapters per unit (including literature reading and content reading), embedded assessment, 3 kinds of vocabulary practice, and an 'Apply & Extend' section with academic workshops and end-of-unit assessment. Using a unique embedded assessment plan along with a balanced blend of literature and content readings, Milestones ensures that students are mastering skills and standards before being introduced to new skills and standards. This consistent, research-based appr...
Behind the Veil of Familiarity
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