Originally published in 1957, The Flower Drum Song was a groundbreaking work of popular literature. An immediate bestseller, it inspired the classic Rodgers and Hammerstein musical. This charming, bittersweet tale of romance and the powerful bonds of family tells the story of Wang Ta, who wants what every young American man wants: a great career and a woman to love. Living in San Francisco's Chinatown-with his widowed father, Old Master Wang, who misses the old way of life in China, and his youn...
Shanghai Fools (Master Shanghai, #2) (Master Shanghai Us Version, #2)
by Vann Chow
Death Money (Detective Jack Yu Investigations, #4) (Detective Jack Yu Investigation, #4)
by Henry Chang
"When the body of an unidentified Asian man is found in the Harlem River, NYPD Detective Jack Yu is pulled in to investigate. The murder takes Jack from the benevolent associations of Chinatown to the take out restaurants, strip clubs, and underground gambling establishments of the Bronx, to a wealthy, exclusive New Jersey borough. It's a world of secrets and unclear allegiances, of Chinatown street gangs and major Triad players. With the help of an elderly fortune teller and an old friend, the...
My Poor Husband is A Billionaire Mafia Volume 2 (My Poor Husband Is a Billionaire Mafia, #2)
by Sheila Gates
Once Upon a Time in Nepal 2021 A.D.
by Madhav Khatri, Marcia Lynn Riepe, and R E Riepe
My Wife Is an Aloof Beauty 14 (My Wife Is an Aloof Beauty, #14)
by Di Sheng You Yang and Mobo Reader
The Substitute Bride 8 (Substitute Bride, #8)
by Rabbit Rabbit and Mobo Reader
Sitor Situmorang, one of the most celebrated Indonesian literary voices of the twentieth century, claimed that all his work dealt with a single theme—“love and wanderlust,” which are “two aspects of one and the same experience.” His remarkable short stories are celebrations of modern life, dealing with subjects such as seeking, belonging, identity, masculinity, and sensual interaction with the world at large. The characters are both introspective and physical, the settings sparse but evocative,...