A chilling psychological thriller about the way in which TV manipulates the lives of a young couple and their children.
With illustrations for each chapter heading, plus a fully illustrated version of the story "Dread," by indie musician and comic artist Zak Sally, this collection could break Brian Evenson out from cult status to a real pop culture phenomenon (ala early Stephen King and George Saunders), while still keeping him firmly in the literary ranks-indeed, some of the post-apocalyptic stories in this collection feel very much like shorter versions of Cormac McCarthy's The Road. On the genre front, Evenson...
Siddhartha (Shambhala Pocket Library, #31) (Penguin Drop Caps)
by Herman Hesse
Siddhartha is a novel by Hermann Hesse that deals with the spiritual journey of a Nepali man named Siddhartha during the time of the Buddha. The book, Hesse's ninth novel, was written in German, in a simple, powerful, and lyrical style. It was published in the U.S. in 1951 and became influential during the 1960s. Hesse dedicated Siddhartha to Romain Rolland and Wilhelm Gundert. The word Siddhartha is made up of two words in the Sanskrit language, siddha (achieved) + artha (meaning or wealth). Th...
Paprika - exotic, piquant, to be used sparingly. The eponymous heroine of Tsutsui's novel is the alter ego of brilliant and beautiful psychotherapist Atsuko Chiba, one of the leading brains in the Institute for Psychiatric Research. An expert in the use of 'psychotherapy devices' that trap a patient's dreams and display them on a monitor, Atsuko is able to manipulate those dreams, even enter them, as an aid to psychoanalysis. When treating private patients, Atsuko transforms herself into the gui...
Alexey and Mephistopheles: Psychological Love-Drama
by V a Kurchatov
When visiting Ballymorris in lreland for a funeral, a down on his luck American reporter learns of a story that happened only months after his last visit many years before. A group of four teenagers, three of whom are family friends, claimed to have been visited by the Virgin Mary. Almost twenty years later, one of them denies it ever happened, another has left the small town, never to be heard from again, another has become a nun, and the fourth has been locked away in a psychiatric ward for ma...
Puo un sogno interrompere l'ordinaria quotidianita di un quarantenne? E quello che si domanda Valerio, che all'improvviso si trova a inseguire in un sogno dei ricordi nascosti, ma mai cancellati. Quando questi cominciano a riemergere, Valerio li camuffa per paura di doverli affrontare; tutti meno uno. Viaggiare tra il sogno e la realta non lo portera a scoprire il segreto nascosto. Quando decidera di voltare pagina, accontentandosi di quanto ha scoperto, gli eventi prodotti dal sogno prenderanno...
De digitale versie van mijn brein is een groot grijs gat
by Gj Wielinga
Το Πρόσωπο ενός Άντρα
by B Roman