Son muchos los hombres que han dejado huella en el campo de la estrategia militar. Alejandro Magno, Julio César, el Cid, Napoleón... Pero existe otro nombre, siempre rodeado de misterio y cuya influencia ha llegado hasta nuestros días. Se trata de Sun Tzu, el general chino que legó a la posteridad un manual convertido en un clásico universal, El arte de la guerra. Esta es su historia. Siglo VI a. C. Antigua China. Una gran guerra se avecina; la vieja dinastía de los Zhou se ha desmoronado, y va...
Muerte por Fuego Griego (Serie Decimus Julius Virilis, #1)
by B R Stateham
History and legend combine in the gripping tale of Hakon Haraldsson, a Christian boy who once fought for the High Seat of a Viking realm. It is 935 A.D. and the North is in turmoil. King Harald Fairhair has died, leaving the High Seat of the realm to his murderous son, Erik Bloodaxe. To solidify his claim, Erik ruthlessly disposes of all claimants to his throne, save one: his youngest brother Hakon. Erik's surviving enemies send a ship to Wessex, where the Christian King Athelstan is raising H...
There is an alternate story of the life of Jesus. One that the early Church fathers found so menacing that they outlawed the books that documented it, ordered them burned, and threatened anyone found copying them with death. International bestselling authors and award-winning archaeologists Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear put more than thirty years of exhaustive research into this fascinating novel.In A.D. 325, Brother Barnabas is a student of the ancient holy texts. These books paint a...
One woman, five husbands and a weary rabbi at the well who knows everything she ever did. The day after they bury her husband Leah Marcellus loses her baby. A widow and childless, what man will want her now? Her father arranges a second marriage - a profitable business arrangement - sealed on Mount Gerizim, the holy mountain where every true follower of Yahweh worships. But Leah's heart belongs to another. Her passion only brings trouble - jealousy, murder and lies. Leah's skill at the loom and...
The Shadow of the Empire (Judge Dee Investigations , #1)
by Qiu Xiaolong
Having survived the perils of a journey across half the world, Romulus and Tarquinius are press-ganged into the legions, which are under imminent threat of annihilation by the Egyptians. Meanwhile in Rome, Romulus's twin sister Fabiola lives in fear for her life, loved by Brutus, but wooed by Marcus Antonius, his deadly enemy. Soon after, Romulus fights at Zela, the vicious battle where Caesar famously said, 'Veni, vidi, vici'. Tarquinius, separated from Romulus in the chaos of war, hides in Al...
Alexander the Great cannot be fooled...Paul Doherty writes an unputdownable Greek mystery of adventure and intrigue in A Murder in Thebes. Perfect for fans of Gary Corby and Margaret Doody.Never try to fool Alexander the Great... or betray him. The Thebans tried, and he burned their great city to the ground. But he left the temple of Oedipus untouched, hoping to obtain the legendary crown inside. Politically, the sacred crown may give him divine status. Privately, it will boost his ego... even m...
An enthralling prequel to his bestselling Roma Sub Rosa series of mysteries set in the Ancient World, Steven Saylor takes readers back to the younger days of Gordianus the Finder. The year is 92BC and Gordianus has just turned eighteen and is about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime: a far-flung journey to see the Seven Wonders of the World.Gordianus is not yet called 'The Finder' - that title belongs to his father, who we meet in these pages. But at each of the Seven Wonders, the wide-e...