Lava pours from the Thunder Mountain, driven by a malevolent spirit who has taken Swamp Witch under his tutelage. The thumpi work furiously to build barriers to the continual lava flow which imperils the Tree of Life and the Emerald Forest. To make matters worse, Swamp Witch has convinced Captain Potter and his men to make an assault on the Emerald Forest to steal the Forest Stone and recapture the thumpi. Join Princess Bee as the final battles between good and evil are fought in the land of the...
The Bulls of War (Chronicles of the Andervold Thrones, #1)
by E M Thomas
A Wizard in a Feud (Chronicles of the Rogue Wizard, #9) (Rogue Wizard)
by Christopher Stasheff
Rise Of The Hunters (Seven Sons, #5) (Immortal Huntress, #5)
by Laurie Starkey, Michael Anderle, and Kelly Hall
An Action Adventure Urban Fantasy Novel Rebekah is picking up the pieces of her broken home while secrets surface about everyone’s beloved mage. With Kayne making good on his promise to take Liam to safety, it’s only a matter of time before he comes to collect. But when Rebekah finds that Liam has been given to Fiona, will it mean all bets are off? There is a book that can answer Rebekah’s questions about her life. There is only one problem. It’s written in the Angelic language. And Aziel...