I Can Still Work at the White House with One Arm
by Katie Laurel Wells
I Never Dreamed I'd Grow Up to Be an Awesome Church Choir Director But Here I Am Killin' It
by Mary Lou Darling
Bridging the Gap Between Combat Veterans and Civilians
by Ph D Jonathan Hauser
Legendary Army Girls are born in September
by Lovely Hearts Publishing
The hallmarks of America's War on Terror have been repeated long deployments and a high percentage of troops returning with psychological problems. Family members of combat veterans are at a higher risk of potentially lethal domestic violence than almost any other demographic; it's estimated that one in four children of active-duty service members have symptoms of depression; and nearly one million veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan require increased care due to physical or psychological trauma. B...
During the Vietnam War, hundreds of American POWs faced years of brutal conditions and horrific torture at the hands of communist interrogators who ruthlessly plied them for military intelligence and propaganda. Determined to maintain their Code of Conduct, the prisoners developed a powerful underground resistance. To quash it, the North Vietnamese singled out its eleven leaders, Vietnam's own "dirty dozen," and banished them to an isolated jail that would become known as Alcatraz. None would le...