It Took Me Many Years of Awesome My Son Now Here's My Letters to You
by E Meehan
A woman's experience as a mother is influenced by the mothering she received as a child. If neglect was a part of that upbringing, the woman who holds a newborn and faces the responsibility of parenting needs a healthy vision of motherhood.T. Suzanne Eller compassionately discusses how a woman can turn from a painful past and embrace a godly example of motherhood. She shareshow shattered legacies can be put back togetherthe path to restoring the broken image of motherhoodways to let go and embra...
Chicken Soup for the Working Mom's Soul (Chicken Soup for the Soul) ()
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Patty Aubery
Mom's Work Is Never Done Whether you work full time or part time, in an office or from your home, or are a stay-at-home moms Chicken Soup for the Working Mom's Soul is for you. The stories found in this heartwarming book are from women who, day in and day out, juggle and balance their careers and their families. Whether it's a busy day at the office, followed by music lessons and baseball practice, preparing dinner, or helping with homework, then snuggling and tucking in the little ones, life...
Mother Mama Mom Blank Lined Journal Notebook
by Neaterstuff Publishing
Cuando decides ser mamá, le permites al universo entrar en ti; le das permiso a tu corazón para salir de tu cuerpo y vivir en la sonrisa de tu bebé. No existe un libro mágico con todas las respuestas sobre la maternidad. Éste es un compendio de amor incondicional, de viajes en el tiempo, experiencias y consejos. Todas somos mamás imperfectas llenas de cariño perfecto. Aquí podrás encontrar lo que necesitas para ser una mujer exitosa mientras tus hijos crecen y, de paso, sacarle todo...
!Levante la cabeza, mama!El dia en que Angela Thomas vendio lo unico que tenia, el diamante de su anillo de compromiso, para cuidar de sus hijos fue el dia en que empezo a creer que iban a salir adelante. En esa decision, la fe de la cual siempre habia hablado se convirtio en la fe que iba a aprender a vivir. En los anos que siguieron, Dios le habia dado a Angela un deseo apasionado de vivir una vida asombrosa, aun mientras criaba a sus cuatro hijos como madre soltera. En este libro ella compart...
Ten points of advice from a future baby to his future parents
by Nehama Milson
New York Times bestselling author, Big Sister Emeritus, and Chief BFF Jen Hatmaker returns with another round of hilarious tales, shameless honesty, and hope for the woman who has forgotten her moxie. In this highly anticipated book, beloved author Jen Hatmaker parlays her own triumphs and tragedies into a sigh of relief for all normal, fierce women everywhere. Whether it’s the time she drove to the wrong city for a fourth-grade field trip (“Why are we in San Antonio?”) or the way she learned t...