Casi en Casa de Billy Graham nos enseña cómo podemos enfrentar el futuro con esperanza aun cuando esto signifique envejecer y finalmente partir a casa. Este libro, no se escribe sólo para viejos. Se escribe para personas de toda etapa en la vida; incluso los que nunca han pensado mucho en cuanto a envejecer. La mejor manera de enfrentar los retos de la vejez es prepararnos para ellos ahora, antes de que lleguen. Billy Graham le hace una invitación a explorar junto con él no sólo las realidades d...
The Alzheimer's Journey, Connecting the Puzzle Pieces
by Marie a Raccuia Rn and Roy P Poillon
Achievable Standards of Care for the Elderly Patient in the City and Hackney Health Authority (Project paper, #72)
Difficult Road Always Lead To beautiful Destinations
by Jerry Barbot
More and more seniors in the United States need care as their health fails and their assets dwindle. The "Greatest Generation" and the "Silent" generation that followed are living longer than ever, threatening to exhaust society's resources as well as their own. And aging Baby Boomers will create a demographic bulge never before seen, requiring smart planning both for themselves and society. Elder Care Law and You, by Certified Elder Law Attorney Deirdre Wheatley-Liss, helps you do that smart pl...
"Genuine and heartfelt."—San Diego Union-TribuneRonald Reagan’s daughter writes with a moving openness about losing her father to Alzheimer’s disease. The simplicity with which she reveals the intensity, the rush, the flow of her feelings encompasses all the surprises and complexities that ambush us when death gradually, unstoppably invades life.In this moving and illuminating portrait of a woman and her father, Patti Davis describes saying goodbye in stages, helpless against the onslaught of a...
Fruher war alles besser ...oder nicht?
by Denis Geier and Diverse Autoren
Consumer Reports Complete Guide to Health Services for Seniors
by Trudy Lieberman
Thank You For Being An Amazing Home Health Aide
by Passion Imagination Journals