Divorce is a painfully wrenching experience for both parties involved. This guide offers a perspective on divorce, explaining how to turn ruin into a new opportunity for spiritual transformation. With a clear strategy for survival - including her own powerful story - the author illustrates seven spiritual laws for healing. By following and practising these laws, the deeper meaning of life is embraced, allowing you to achieve freedom from fear and pain, and peace with the past. The end of marriag...
In this 2004 edition, Jill Black QC and Elizabeth Auckland steer readers through what can be a 'minefield'. On the way, they transform the awful legalese and officialese into plain English. A broad insight into how courts make their decisions, especially regarding the children, the home and finances. Tax considerations are dealt with.
In Road to Divorce, Lawrence Stone explored and analysed the ambiguous nature of the law and pratice concerning marriage, separation, and divorce in England from 1530 to the present day. He showed how husbands and wives, lovers and lawyers, adapted, circumvented, of defied the law in order to achieve their end, namely either a secure marriage, or a marital separation on favourable terms. In Uncertain Unions, he offered a series of detailed case-studies, which painted a vivid picture of how certa...