In He’s History, You’re Not: Surviving Divorce After 40, Erica Manfred shares her own divorce experience, as well as the advice of experts, with specific sections tailored to women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. Manfred was left for a younger woman in 2003, and eventually learned to both survive and thrive. After educating herself in the areas many women have barely even thought of when considering divorce, she is the kind of girlfriend a woman needs when facing both menopause and the trauma of di...
Like a Charming Prince, One Day He Will Come. MMM....Maybe Not Today?
by Anna Bolton
J'ai offert le même à mon Ex... #rompreendouceur
by Les Mouchoirs Roses Editions
Elimina estr�s y ansiedad, �qu� pasar�a si nada est� mal? (Autoayuda Y Crecimiento Personal)
by Karla Caruci
Divorced Girls' Society, The: Your Initiation Into the Club You Never Thought You'd Join
by Vickie King
"Walter Riso analiza el fenómeno de la separación, porque si bien tomar la decisión de terminar una relación puede ser extremadamente difícil, se trata sólo del primer paso. Tras la separación es fundamental hacer un proceso de duelo que nos permita identificar el valor de esa persona que ya no está en nuestra vida. Además de reconocer y enfrentar el dolor que la pérdida nos puede estar ocasionando. Como suele hacer, el autor presenta casos clínicos y anécdotas personales para ejemplificar sus a...
“Beautifully told. Maria Finn relays her adventures in the world of tango with excitement, wit, and insight.” —Robert Farris Thompson, author of Tango: The Art History of Love Maria Finn's husband was cheating. First she threw him out. Then she cried. Then she signed up for tango lessons. It turns out that tango has a lot to teach about understanding love and loss, about learning how to follow and how to lead, how to live with style and flair, take risks, and sort out what it is you really want....
"Growing Through Divorce is one of the most practical, insightful, and helpful books available today." H. Norman Wright More than 600,000 copies sold! Now with a brand-new cover, Jim Smoke's compassionate and supportive book will help many thousands more. Jim has counseled single-again people for more than 30 years. Drawing on this experience, he offers men and women the practical, step-by-step help they need to survive the turmoil of divorce and come out healthy and secure. Readers are encou...