Obituaries are history as it is happening. Whose time am I living in? Was he a success or a failure, lucky or doomed, older than I am or younger? Did she know how to live? Where else can you celebrate the life of the pharmacist who moonlighted as a spy, the genius behind Sea Monkeys, the school lunch lady who spent her evenings as a ballroom hostess? No wonder so many readers skip the news and the sports and go directly to the obituary page. This book is the story of how these stories get told....
May 18th, 2001. Naomi, wife of Rabbi Bulka dies. Cancer. Here, in this book, we share the astonishingly honest, painful and direct chronicle of a death.In the face of death, people experience a tumult of emotions, not just the person dying, but those who surround the person dying. Husbands and wives, children, family, is period of enormous intensity and also confusion. What to do? How to act? What to think? What and how to feel?This volume covers a wide range of issues and topics, inc...
A Balm in Gilead
by Winston G Bennett, George Burke, and Robert O'Keefe Hassell
Journal Your Life's Story (Creative Journals) (Blank Book Journals)
by Diary & Journal Press and Journal Your Life's Story