How do you react to situations which don't run according to plan? How do you cope with people who won't do things your way? Do you let life's frustrations build up inside you until you explode with anger? If so, your reactions may backfire and make you ill and unhappy, and prevent you from dealing effectively with the problem. This book provides advice on how to control anger and to handle life's frustrations, explaining how to understand feelings and reactions to them. Once an undertstanding of...
WORKBOOK For Girl, Wash Your Face
by Timeline Publishers and Rachel Hollis Workbook
A highly effective parent education program which aims to equip paents with the skills to help raise responsible, resilient, self disciplined children. This update adds new topic areas: preparation for school; improving sibling relations; anger management; adolescence, and the importance of the father's role.
Niggar Man Jigga Man Belafone never nigga me (Black Me You See What That Be See, #1)
by Dan Edward Knight Sr
"Tired of Yelling" isn't about teaching children to snap to attention at the sound of your voice. It's about giving children a gift that will last a lifetime -- the ability to manage anger and handle conflict. Teaching the steps of conflict resolution will result in more peaceful homes and classrooms, but the ultimate result is a young person capable of genuine intimacy. Dr. Waugh offers parents a helpful fifteen-step model.