Against Domestic Violence (Working Paper, No. 127.)
by Gill Hague, Ellen Malos, and Wendy Dear
ItOCOs My Life Now offers readers the practical guidance, emotional reassurance, and psychological awareness that survivors of relationship abuse and domestic violence need to heal and reclaim their lives after leaving their abusers. "
Reclaiming Self
Care providers, academics, and women themselves offer their perspectives on the abuse of women by intimate partners in this analytical text. The causes of partner abuse; adequacy of shelters, support groups, and other resources for abused women; and the impact of government policies are among the key issues explored. The voices and recommendations of abused women are presented in these real-life case studies. The often underexamined experiences of women abused by lesbian partners and the future...
5 Simple Steps to protect child from sexual Harassment (Child and Violence, #1)
by Kamal Djama
A Book for Men, Mostly 3 Quick and Easy Steps for Strengthening Your Marriage
by Randall Krug
Domestic Violence
by Janet L Kerr, Patricia L Lostroh, Frances T Pilch, Dave McCone, Howard Black, Douglas J Miles, and Erika Vida
Intimate Partner Violence (Hurting and Healing, #4)
by Mary Rucklos Hampton