While the research on bullying and peer victimization has increased considerably over the past 20 years, a number of studies are emerging that document mixed results of bullying and prevention programs. During the last decades, several special issues devoted to research on bullying and victimization have been published in national and international scholarly journals. Based on the increase of published articles on bullying and victimization in journals, textbooks, government reports, and documen...
The History of Institutional Racism in U.S. Public Schools
by Susan DuFresne
Mapping and Monitoring Bullying and Violence
by Ron Ast?or and Rami Benbenishty
Addressing School Bullying, Safety, Climate, and Social-Emotional Learning through Monitoring and Mapping is a guidebook for district and school education leaders and professionals to reduce incidents of violence and bullying and enhance students' well-being. Written in a step-by-step format, the text is designed to assist in collecting and making better use of data on non-academic issues in schools, such as reports of victimization, weapon and drug possession, theft of personal property, suicid...
Te espero a la salida, un manual para padres frente al acoso escolar
by P Duchement
For half a century, S Perry Brickman harbored a deep and personally painful secret... On a late summer day in 2006, Brickman and his wife attended an exhibit on the history of Jewish life at Emory University and were astonished to come face-to-face with documents that strongly suggested that Brickman and many others had been failed out of Emory's dental school because they were Jewish. They decided to embark on an uncharted path to uncover the truth. With no initial allies and plenty of resista...
We can't always be there to protect our kids as they make their way in the world. What we can do is equip them with the tools they need to ensure they have a positive social experience. Based on many years' experience counselling bullies and targets, Stella O'Malley offers concrete strategies to empower children and teenagers to deal confidently with bullying and dominant characters. She identifies effective ways for families to cope when bullying occurs, including approaching the school autho...
Can We Ensure Safe Schools?
This book was written as a guide to practitioners, with input and strategies from police authorities, mental health professional and educators. School safety is an issue for school communities across the country. Collaboration with all stakeholders provide comprehensive strategies that can be applied to all schools and districts.
This book discusses the problems associated with the development of musical art and education, with a focus on two interrelated facets of this. The first is the analysis and evaluation of the complex, and often contradictory, situations which occur in the establishment of new institutions of culture and art. The second aspect is represented by recommendations and advice given to young managers preparing themselves to act in a self-motivated manner in these institutions. The book can be used as a...
The phenomena of mass shootings appear to be on the rise. Within the past decade, shootings have occurred in schools, religious institutions, concerts, movie theaters, and other public venues, as well as at home in the form of domestic mass shootings. This phenomenon is influenced by factors such as access to guns, mental illness, the desire for fame, revenge from being bullied, and copycat killing to name a few. Mass shootings are a serious problem for society and must be explored further in or...
A comprehensive and timely resource for students, activists, educators, and advocates, Domestic Violence and Abuse: A Reference Handbook provides a rich and scholarly assessment of this important social issue while also including stories and profiles for a more personal understanding. Domestic Violence and Abuse: A Reference Handbook provides a thorough review of the most recent research about intimate partner violence. Additionally, a historical review provides readers with a sense of how view...
In this galvanizing book for all educators, Kristin Souers and Pete Hall explore an urgent and growing issue-childhood trauma-and its profound effect on learning and teaching. Grounded in research and the authors' experience working with trauma-affected students and their teachers, Fostering Resilient Learners will help you cultivate a trauma-sensitive learning environment for students across all content areas, grade levels, and educational settings. The authors-a mental health therapist and a...
This book presents an overview of the main parameters of school bullying. Emphasis is put on the definition of bullying, the extent of bullying, the stability of the bully and victim roles, ways of coping with bullying, the forms bullying can take, the characteristics of bullies, the characteristics of victims, age differences, as well as other measurements.