TX PACT Speech Grades 7-12 - Test Taking Strategies
by Jcm-Tx Pact Test Preparation Group
This book gives you advice on behaviour management that is easily accessible and equally easy to apply. After all how many of us, snowed under with reports to write and lessons to plan, have time to wade through endless theory? It provides plenty of information on the basic of behaviour management, lots of tips for controlling your classes, and ideas for managing the physical aspects of the classroom environment. The ideas and advice given are based on common sense observations and strategies th...
Tensions in Teacher Preparation (Advances in Research on Teaching, #12)
Current accreditation practices require that teacher education institutions in the United States not only create programs that enact research-based best practices but that they also document their existence and efficacy in preparing teachers. "Tensions in Teacher Preparation: Accountability, Assessment, and Accreditation" addresses the challenges of meeting national accreditation requirements, including designing assessment instruments and making data-driven decisions. The process of establishin...
The Pilot's Manual to UAS Night Flight
by Douglas Spotted Eagle and Jennifer Pidgen
Visible Learning Guide to Student Achievement
by John Hattie and Eric M. Anderman
New fully updated Visible Learning schools edition International experts describe predictors of academic achievement across a variety of topics and domains Provides research summaries and practical classroom guidance on how to improve achievement Additional focus on social media and technology
Becoming a Jr. Acra Eq Life Coach
by Emind Wellness & Training Institute
Instructor's Resource Manual and Test Bank (Download only) for Practicing the Art of Leadership
by Reginald Green
Assessment of Children and Youth with Special Needs (2-downloads)
by Libby Cohen and Loraine Spenciner
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. This highly respected text focuses on current assessment issues and procedures that every special educator needs to know. The author's integrated approach emphasizes in-class assessment approaches as well as more formal measures and instruments. Throughout they provide numerous practical examples of how the techniques and procedures can...
Active Lessons for Active Brains
by Sandra Boyd Allison and Caitlin Zimmerman McKenzie
What to do when their feet just can't keep still If you're tired of repeating yourself to students who aren't listening, try a little less talk and a lot more action. The authors follow the best-selling Teaching the Male Brain and Teaching the Female Brain with this ready-to-use collection of mathematics, language arts, science, and classroom management strategies. Designed for active, hands-on learners-whether male or female-the text provides more than 70 specific lesson plans for addressing s...
PowerPoint Presentation (Download Only) for Assessment of Student Achievement
by C Waugh and Norman Gronlund
Collins CSEC (R) Human and Social Biology provides a new approach to the study of the CSEC (R) HSB syllabus that focuses on the skills of recalling facts, applying facts and analysing data as needed for the examination and School Based Assessment. It provides the content and skills that students truly need to master to pass - and do well in - the exam. Full coverage of the CXC (R) syllabus for first examination from May-June 2022Written in clear, accessible language suitable for all st...
OAE Expanded Study Guide -- Access Code Card -- for Technology Education (Subtest I)
by . . Pearson Teacher Education
The official study guide for the Ohio Assessments for Educators program. This interactive guide is your source for information to help you prepare to take the OAE. Use the information in the guide to help you pinpoint areas to focus your study. What are the features of the OAE Expanded Study Guides? Each field-specific, comprehensive study guide includes: A brief diagnostic assessment consisting of sample questions with explanations for correct answers. Chapters providing in-depth coverage o...
Improving Schools Through Action Research (What's New in Ed Psych / Tests & Measurements)
by Cher Hendricks
Gives readers a brief, user-friendly, solid look at the action research cycle and the knowledge to work through each step. KEY TOPICS: Education, action research, improving schools, reflection, teacher empowerment, teacher research, school administrators, educational leadership MARKET: Written for pre-service and in-service educators, including principals, counselors, administrators, and support staff.
Instructor Guide 7 Strategies to Defeat a Bully
by Johnny R Williamson
Praxis II English Language Arts Content Knowledge 5038 Study Guide 2019-2020
by Cirrus Teacher Certification Exam Team
The Professional Teacher
by Kay A. Norlander-Case, Timothy G. Reagan, and Charles W. Case
From the Agenda for Education in a Democracy Series Sponsored by the National Network for Educational Renewal" This book is comprehensive in its account of what goes into the substance and process of preparing the professional educator, from selection to induction into teaching. The story that unfolds in the collaboration of the University of Connecticut and several schools is one of redesigning virtually every component into something quite different from what existed before without stopping th...