(Un)Learning Disability (Disability, Culture, and Equity)
by AnnMarie D. Baines
How do high school students confront and resolve conflicting messages about their intelligence and academic potential, particularly when labelled with social and learning disabilities? How does disability become “disablement” when negative attitudes and disparaging perceptions of ability position students as outsiders? Following the lives of adolescents at home as well as in and out of school, the author makes visible the disabling language, contextual arrangements, and unconscious social practi...
Co-Teaching for Administrators
by Barbara a Conway Ed D, Sonya H Kunkel Ed S, and Dona C Bauman Ph D
Reclaiming Indigenous Research in Higher Education
Indigenous students remain one of the least represented populations in higher education. They continue to account for only one percent of the total post-secondary student population, and this lack of representation is felt in multiple ways beyond enrollment. Less research money is spent studying Indigenous students, and their interests are often left out of projects that otherwise purport to address diversity in higher education. Recently, Native scholars have started to reclaim research thro...
Help all of your students reach success in math! This essential book, from bestselling author and consultant Jennifer Taylor-Cox, is filled with suggestions that teachers and RTI/MTSS specialists can use to target instruction for struggling students in PreK-2. You'll find out how to diagnose academic weaknesses, differentiate instruction, use formative assessments, offer corrective feedback, and motivate students with games and activities. The book's practical features include... Directions fo...
The Teacher's Pocket Guide for Effective Classroom Management
by Timothy P. Knoster
Teachers give the highest marks to this bestselling classroom management guide-and now it's better than ever! Developed by Tim Knoster, a behaviour expert and former teacher whose in-demand workshops have inspired thousands, this new edition is the friendly how-to book educators need to increase desired behaviour in today's K-12 classrooms. The second edition weaves in timely new guidance for teachers implementing multi-tiered systems of support in tandem with positive behaviour interventions an...
At a time when our nation is facing bitter political divides over its immigration policies and gridlock at the federal level, this book tells a different story in two parts: First, it showcases the exemplary initiatives of community colleges and their multiple partners working together to integrate immigrants and refugees into the economic, social, and cultural fabric of our communities and our country, and it illustrates the various ways immigrant and refugee students enrich campus life, streng...
Approaching Disparities in School Discipline: Theory, Research, Practice, and Social Change
This book explores personal, family and theoretical constructions of inclusion and offers evidence-based strategies and resources to foster parent-professional, home-school collaborative partnerships. It explores working with families to secure identity, opportunity and belonging within school settings and beyond. It does so by means of a rich international blend of scholarly articles and personal reflections. The first section examines personal, family, and theoretical perspectives on ways in w...
Witnessing Whiteness invites readers to consider what it means to be white, describes and critiques strategies used to avoid race issues, and identifies the detrimental effect of avoiding race on cross-race collaborations. The author illustrates how racial discomfort leads white people toward poor relationships with people of color. Questioning the implications our history has for personal lives and social institutions, the book considers political, economic, socio-cultural, and legal histories...
Why LS or EAL is the Wrong Question (Nfi: Leading the Way, #2)
by Kristen Pelletier
Hot on the heels of the Government's new SEN strategy, this book's at-a- glance' format provides practitioners with a handy self-help resource. This book will help you to:create a learner-friendly barrier-free classroom using checklists to monitor inclusive practiceunderstanding the impact on classroom practice of recent legislation following power point slides detailing government standards and guidanceclarify the roles and expectations of pupils, parents, SENCOs, INCOs, teachers and school lea...
Supporting LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Primary Schools
by Jonathan Glazzard and Samuel Stones
The Beyond Access Model
by Cheryl M. Jorgensen, Michael McSheehan, and Rae M. Sonnenmeier
How can educators create inclusive classrooms where students with intellectual and developmental disabilities not only participate and communicate, but also learn academic content? The groundbreaking model in this book is the answer. Practical, forward-thinking, and person-centered, ""The Beyond Access Model"" shows education professionals what meaningful inclusive education looks like and gives them the critical guidance they need to make it happen. A researched approach developed by three incl...
Working with Maori Children with Special Education Needs
by Jill Bevan-Brown, Mere Berryman, Huhana Hickey, Sonja MacFarlane, Kirsten Smiler, and Tai Walker
"A solid resource to help teachers understand the basic foundation for literacy development through guided reading in the primary grade." -Patti Ulshafer, first-grade teacher Develop successful readers with these strategies for before, during, and after reading. In Teaching Kids to Read, Gail Saunders-Smith describes the cognitive processes of emergent readers and provides educators with clear guidelines for promoting reading comprehension with small groups of young learners. A variety of...
James D. Kirylo gives a personal and reflective account of what it means to be a Catholic teacher, drawing on the rich history of the Church and its inclusive nature through ecumenical, interfaith, and interreligious dialogue, along with the Church’s social teachings and its link to liberation theology and a critical pedagogy in the light of faith. The book provides a critical guide for Catholic teachers in how to engage in reflective practice to discover teaching as a vocation in service of the...
Horizontes Humanos. Limites y paisajes
by Miguel Alberto Gonzalez Gonzalez