Physical Aspects of Physical Education for Police
by Edward W Ruehrwein
Educational Equality (Key Debates in Educational Policy)
by Harry Brighouse, Kenneth R. Howe, and James Tooley
This title considers the philosophical debates surrounding equality and education. "Educational Equality and the New Selective Schooling" by Harry Brighouse was initially published by the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain in 2000. In this new edition, Brighouse has updated his argument, Kenneth R Howe and James Tooley have contributed counter-arguments and Graham Haydon has provided a foreword and afterword drawing the debates together. The issues debated in this new edition of 'E...
Looseleaf Manual of Structural Kinesiology with Connect Access Card
by R T Floyd and Clem W. Thompson
Princess Heart Learns To Tumble (Princess Heart, #1)
by Shariece Williams
Is running barefoot beneficial? What is the most mechanically efficient way to move a piece of heavy furniture? Can stretching before a competition worsen performance? How do cats always land on their feet? The answers to these questions are all based on the science of biomechanics. In Basic Biomechanics, Eighth Edition, the focus is on the anatomy and movement capabilities of the human body, explained with examples of relevant sport, clinical, and daily living applications. The quantitative asp...
Connect Access Card for Teaching Physical Education for Learning
by Judith E Rink
Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance is designed for students interested in exercise physiology, clinical exercise physiology, human performance, kinesiology/exercise science, physical therapy, and physical education. The tenth edition provides students with an up-to-date understanding of the physiology of exercise through the use of numerous clinical applications, including exercise tests to evaluate cardiorespiratory fitness and information on exercise trainin...
Foundations in Elementary Education
by Elizabeth B Carlton and Phyllis S Weikart
Juegos de psicomotricidad sin materiales en el patio. 2-3 anos. Volumen I
by Grupo Edufip
This volume identifies what is meant by the term "delayed motor development" and suggests practical ways in which adults can help modify and ameliorate this common problem. This approach is pro-active and preventative rather than re-active and prescriptive. Descriptions of well-known remedial systems already in operation, followed by case studies from David Stewart's own experience, give further practical advise and illustration. The book includes a history of the way in which the author set up...
Teaching Children Gymnastics (American Master Teacher Program S.)
by Peter H. Werner, Lori H. Williams, and Tina Hall
This text combines traditional Olympic-style skills with the developmental approach of educational gymnastics and explains the why and how of teaching gymnastics effectively. It presents 24 practical, child-tested examples of gymnastics activities called Learning Experiences that are suitable for ages three to eleven. The Learning Experiences are divided into three skill themes: travelling, statics and rotation.
Total Fitness and Wellness, Brief Edition Value Package (Includes Myhealthlab Student Access Kit for Total Fitness and Wellness)
by Scott K Powers and Stephen L. Dodd
The State and Education Policy: The Academies Programme
This collection draws together contributions from leading researchers and participants to explore a major reform process of the state and education system in particular. The shift from welfare-based provision of public services to the quasi-market with private delivery and philanthropic investment is an issue that needs a thorough examination through evidence and rigorous argument. This book seeks to do this by not only charting events and providing detailed examination about what is happening b...
The Syllabus of Physical Exercises for Schools 1909 [electronic Resource]
Aprende Mejor Con Gimnasia Para El Cerebro
by Dr Paul E Dennison and Gail E. Dennison