Leadership for World-Class Universities reveals how "world-class" thinking and policy can help university leaders employ modern solutions to the challenges facing higher education today. Readers will benefit from best practice advice offered by distinguished international contributors who have excelled by thinking globally without losing sight of their respective national and local environments. Their essays are grounded in empirical research and written to engage the reader, stimulate reflectio...
Wissen Und Literarisches Lernen (Positionen Der Deutschdidaktik, #4)
Die Vorstellung von einer Wissensprasupposition literarischen Verstehens, also die Annahme, dass ein textseitig begrundbares Verstandnis immer auch textspezifische Wissensbestande erfordert, gehoert zur Alltagserfahrung bei der Vermittlung von Literatur. Literarisches Verstehen gelingt dann am besten, wenn Lernende uber bestimmte Wissensbestande verfugen und dieses Wissen auf eine bestimmte Weise einsetzen koennen; bemerkenswert ist daher, dass die prominenten literaturdidaktischen Konzepte der...
What if everything we thought we knew about effective teacher evaluations was wrong? A Guide to Impactful Teacher Evaluations walks educators through an important shift in thinking about how to evaluate teachers: from systems focused on individuals and results to solutions focused on collectives and processes. Disregarding older, ineffective models that rely on faulty assumptions, this book embraces new approaches for measuring teacher competency that achieve valid assessment of effective teac...
Leadership for Remote Learning
by Ronald Williamson and Barbara R. Blackburn
Learn how to adapt leadership and keep motivation alive in a remote learning setting or hybrid school. In this essential book, bestselling authors Ronald Williamson and Barbara R. Blackburn share frameworks and tools you can use to immediately make a difference in your school. You’ll learn how to do the following: Navigate the change process in remote learning Maintain a collaborative remote learning school Address equity issues in remote instruction Communicate effectively across online pla...
Working with Student Teachers
by Michael A Morehead, Lawrence Lyman, and Harvey C Foyle
Supervising student teachers effectively assures that vital professional experience will be of maximum benefit to the pre-service teacher. Mentor teachers and university faculty who work with student teachers need specific training to make the experience rewarding, while the student teacher requires specific information for professional success. The primary focus of this text is based on conferences, strategies, and specific techniques that mentors can use while working with pre-service interns....
Lessons Learned (The William G. Bowen, #54) (The William G. Bowen Memorial Series in Higher Education)
by William G Bowen
Lessons Learned gives unprecedented access to the university president's office, providing a unique set of reflections on the challenges involved in leading both research universities and liberal arts colleges. In this landmark book, William Bowen, former president of Princeton University and of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and coauthor of the acclaimed best-seller The Shape of the River, takes readers behind closed faculty-room doors to discuss how today's colleges and universities serve th...
Helping Skills for Working with College Students
by Monica Galloway Burke, Jill Duba Sauerheber, Aaron W. Hughey, and Karl Laves
A primary role of student affairs professionals is to help college students dealing with developmental transitions and coping with emotional difficulties. Becoming an effective helping professional requires the complex integration of intrapersonal, interpersonal, and professional awareness, and knowledge. For graduate students preparing to become student affairs practitioners, this textbook provides the skills necessary to facilitate the helping process and understand how to respond to student c...
Mit dem etwas saloppen Wort "Zickzack-Lernen", das sich internationaler Beliebtheit erfreut und daher beibehalten wurde, wird eine Lehr- und Lernmethode bezeichnet, bei der assoziative ("sporadische", ungeplante) Lernelemente mit logisch strukturierten ("systematischen", geplanten) bewusst verknupft werden. Es handelt sich also um den "systematischen Einbau des Unsystematischen" in das Lerngeschehen. Die Methode beruht auf der Einsicht, dass auch unser menschliches Gehirn parallel mit zwei Gedac...
Military Family's Parent Guide for Supporting Your Child in School
by Associate Professor of Education and Social Work Ron Avi Astor, Linda Jacobson, and Professor Rami Benbenishty
While it is true that children from military families live unique and interesting lives, it is also true that they face many challenges and special circumstances that civilian children and families don't experience. These can include gaps in school attendance and learning due to frequent moves, being separated from a parent who has been deployed, and a sense of isolation in the midst of a civilian community. This unique guide provides parents with the information they need to choose a welcomin...
Serve to Lead(R)--Your Transformational 21st Century Leadership System
by James M. Strock
Tomorrow's Global Leaders Today: Executive Reflection
by Jackie Arnold and Elaine Patterson
Equity and Diversity: Building community (Inaugural Professorial Lectures)
by Alma Harris
The role of Dean of Students is pivotal: in students' lives; for their institutions as a conduit to senior administration about issues of concern to students; as a figure who can coordinate disparate campus constituencies -- from academic affairs and athletics to campus safety and relationships with parents and alums; and as a crisis manager. What preparation, skills, dispositions, and knowledge do DOSs need to be effective in their role; and, indeed, what areas and range of activities generall...