Was Machen Die Kinder in Der Kirche?
by Dirk Schliephake and Martina Steinkuhler
German description: Kleine und Grosse erkunden mit diesem Buch den Kirchenraum und seine vielen Einladungen rund ums Kirchenjahr und durch das ganze Leben: Der kleine Hund ist den Kindern in die Kirche gefolgt und beschnuffelt ihren Gottesdienst. Taufe, Kinderkirche, eine Trauerfeier und eine Trauung, Osternacht, Pfingsten, Einschulung, Erntedank, der Reformationstag, Advent und Weihnachten - das sind die Anlasse und feiern, die sich in liebevollen detailreichen Doppelseitenillustrationen entfal...
Music Fundamentals, Methods, and Materials for the Elementary Classroom Teacher
by Rene Boyer and Michon Rozmajzl
Designed for prospective teachers without extensive music backgrounds, Music Fundaments, Methods and Materials for the Elementary Classroom Teacher, 5th Edition, provides both a thorough overview of the basic elements of music and a clear sequence of instructional steps that allows readers to participate in the same learning process they will later use as teachers. The text gives a proper overview to the basic elements of music, and a clear sequence of instructional steps in order to teach music...
East European Economy in Context, The: Communism and Transition
by David Turnock
In this superb introduction, Samuel Freeman introduces and assesses the main topics of Rawls' philosophy. Starting with a brief biography and charting the influences on Rawls' early thinking, he goes on to discuss the heart of Rawls's philosophy: his principles of justice and their practical application to society. Subsequent chapters discuss Rawls's theories of liberty, political and economic justice, democratic institutions, goodness as rationality, moral psychology, political liberalism, and...
This short critical introduction to the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu is a model of clarity and insight. Where Bourdieu's original writings are often densely argued and ambiguous, Richard Jenkins is direct, concise and to the point. He emphasises Bourdieu's contirbutions to the theory and methodology while also dealing in detail with his substantive studies of education, social stratification and culture. His book provides the best short English-language introduction to Bourdieu's work.
Drinking has always meant much more than satisfying the thirst. Drinking can be a necessity, a comfort, an indulgence or a social activity. Liquid Pleasures is an engrossing study of the social history of drinks in Britain from the late seventeenth century to the present. From the first cup of tea at breakfast to mid-morning coffee, to an eveining beer and a 'night-cap', John Burnett discusses individual drinks and drinking patterns which have varied not least with personal taste but also with...
ASE Certification Voucher: Advanced Test, Printed Access Card
by Automotive Service Excellence and Cengage Cengage
Funny Faces Number Puzzle Pictures - Volume I (Volume, #1)
by Eirenne Lillegard
Teaching Primary Geography (Achieving QTS)
by Simon Catling and Tessa Willy
Written with reference to the 2007 Professional Standards for the Award of QTS and initiatives such as the Primary National Strategy, each chapter offers practical guidance on topics such as planning, assessment and the creation of resources. It provides summaries of key topics in primary geography, including the study of places, environmental sustainability, learning beyond the classroom, global issues, citizenship and cross-curricular approaches to promote children's subject knowledge, well-be...
Gerhard Rupp hat sich in seiner herausragenden Forschertatigkeit, zuletzt als Professor fur Literaturwissenschaft (Didaktik der Germanistik) an der Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, auf die Schwerpunkte Literatur - Lesen - Lernen konzentriert. Die versammelten Beitrage von Forscherkollegen, Weggefahrten und Freunden aus verschiedenen Bereichen der Germanistik knupfen an dieses Forschungsspektrum an. Perspektiviert werden unter anderem aktuelle Aspekte der empirischen Leseforschung, der Lesekompetenz, der...
Faced with the seemingly enormous difficulty of representing `others', many theorists working in Cultural Studies have been turning to themselves as a way of speaking about the personal. In Sexing the Self Elspeth Probyn tackles this question of the sex of the self, an issue of vital importance to feminists and yet neglected by feminist theory until now, to suggest that there are ways of using our gendered selves in order to speak and theorize non-essential but embodied selves. Arguing for `fem...
Suchtpraevention Im Deutschunterricht Der Mittelstufe (Im Medium Fremder Sprachen Und Kulturen, #7)
by Friederike Vogel
Suchtpravention sollte ein fester Bestandteil schulischer Bildung und Erziehung sein, von der Vorschulerziehung bis zur Sekundarstufe II. Dabei beginnt Suchtpravention im Idealfall bereits in der Familie. Die Autorin stellt einen unterrichtspraktischen Ansatz fur die Umsetzung suchtpraventiver Ziele im Deutschunterricht der fruhen Mittelstufe vor. Die einzelnen Bausteine und Massnahmen des Projekts orientieren sich an der Zielgruppe, wobei migrationsspezifische Aspekte besonders berucksichtigt w...
Russisch Perfekt (Studien Der Forschungsstelle Ostmitteleuropa an Der Universi, #31)
by Erhard Glier, Ingrid Herms, Gustav A Krampitz, Galina Manns, and Peter Slama
Preserving the childhood memories of some of the last generation of White Russian women to experience the revolution first-hand, this poignant collection of interviews and photographs provides a unique record of life in Russia.
These 204 reproducible activities teach and reinforce the elementary school music curriculum, including recognition of notes, counting beats, reading scales, and identifying instruments.
Programmable Logic Controllers with Controllogix (Book Only)
by Jon Stenerson
Un malaise profond se fait jour a travers les romans d'education qui foisonnent soudainement autour de 1900. Une epidemie de suicides parmi les eleves de ce temps suscite en effet un interet accru pour la cause de l'enfant et de l'adolescent chez les auteurs de langue allemande de l'epoque. Ceux-ci se font donc les transcripteurs d'une triple crise qui mine le tournant du siecle et qui est celle de la pensee, de la connaissance et de la pedagogie. Cette crise s'articule autour de la dualite rati...