Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education 2016
Employing Mathematical Modeling to Engage Students at All Levels Mathematical modeling plays an increasingly important role both in real-life applications—in engineering, business, the social sciences, climate study, advanced design, and more—and within mathematics education itself. This 2016 volume of Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education (APME) focuses on this key topic from a wide variety of perspectives and distinguishes it from modeling mathematics. The book’s 25 chapters are groupe...
Math in the Real World of Architecture (Kids' Stuff)
by Shirley Cook
Problem Solving Grades 4-5 (Basic Not Boring)
by Marjorie Frank and Charlotte Poulos
Masterminds Riddle Math for Middle Grades: Multiplication and Division (Kids' Stuff)
by Brenda Opie, Lory Jackson, Douglas McAvinn, and Nancy Ygnve
California Edition of Elementary and Middle School Mathematics
by John A Van de Walle and Jennifer M Bay-Williams
"It is fun to figure out the puzzle of how children go about making sense of mathematics and then how to help teachers help kids." John A. Van de Walle, Late of Virginia Commonwealth University This is the philosophy behind Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally. John A. Van de Walle wrote this book to help students understand mathematics and become confident in their ability to teach the subject to children in kindergarten through eighth grade. Although he co...
Problem Solving Grades 6-8 (Basic Not Boring)
by Imogene Forte and Marjorie Frank
Mathematics Education in East Africa (SpringerBriefs in Education)
This Open Access book is a valuable resource for policymakers and practitioners as it brings insights mainly from developing countries where relatively less research activity takes place. It is also a valuable resource for courses in mathematics education in the teacher education colleges, and departments of education in the sub-Saharan Africa region. In the increasingly global and technological world mathematics is seen as a significant gatekeeper of opportunities for social and economic advanc...
What's Your Strategy?
by Brooke LeVecchi, Karen Mirkovich, and Victoria Wilcox
This scientific monograph, while dealing with the issue of supervised teaching practice, points out the importance of implementing serious games into pre-graduate preparation of teachers. Current trends in education point towards the ever-increasing integration of information and communication technology into educational processes. The digitalisation of education brings us to the question if it is possible to meaningfully employ information and communication technology in bridging the theoretica...
Harcourt School Publishers Mathletics (Harcourt School Publishers Mathletics)
Pathfinder Mathematics Grade 7
by Jonathan D Kantrowitz and Ralph R Kantrowitz
Untersuchungen Zum Modellbegriff in Der Chemie (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #149)
by Jutta Weerda
Das fortschreitende Modelldenken in der Chemie hat auch Eingang gefunden in den Chemieunterricht. Was aber stellen sich die Schuler vor, wenn sie das Wort -Modell- horen? Das zu ermitteln, ist der Gegenstand der vorliegenden Untersuchung. Es wird vor allem die Abhangigkeit der Begriffsbildung von dem Alter, dem Geschlecht, der Schulart und der Dauer des erteilten Fachunterrichts untersucht. Dazu wurden 3757 Schuler der 3.-11. Jahrgangsstufe an Schulen im Elementarbereich, Hauptschulen, Realschul...
History of Number (History of Mathematics Education)
by Kay Owens, Glen Lean, Patricia Paraide, and Charly Muke
This unique volume presents an ecocultural and embodied perspective on understanding numbers and their history in indigenous communities. The book focuses on research carried out in Papua New Guinea and Oceania, and will help educators understand humanity's use of numbers, and their development and change. The authors focus on indigenous mathematics education in the early years and shine light on the unique processes and number systems of non-European styled cultural classrooms. This new perspe...
Math Games Grade 3 (Practice Makes Perfect (Teacher Created Materials))
by Patti Sima