These performance texts were written exclusively for performers identifying as Deaf, disabled or neuro-divergent. This unique collection of fictional dramatic monologues was written specifically for D/deaf and disabled performers (the 'd' of the title), informed by lived experience. But the 'd' could just as easily refer to difference, diversity, defiance, determination, desirability and a host of other delicious 'd's.... Covering a wide variety of form, content, and theatrical styles, the m...
Issues in Educating Students with Disabilities (The LEA Series on Special Education and Disability)
The contributors to this volume represent the most prominent researchers and thinkers on issues in educating students with and without disabilities. The book captures the most current thinking, research, and analysis on the full range of issues in educating students with learning disabilities, from its definition to the most recent case law and interpretations of federal law on educating these students in the general education classroom. The contributors' words speak sufficiently, mellifluously,...
A Paraprofessional's Handbook for Working with Students Who Are Visually Impaired
Human-computer interaction studies the users and their interaction with an interactive software system (ISS). However, these studies are designed for people without any type of disability, causing there to be few existing techniques or tools that focus on the characteristics of a specific user, thus causing accessibility and utility issues for neglected segments of the population. This reference source intends to remedy this lack of research by supporting an ISS focused on people with visual imp...
A Parents' Guide to Special Education for Children with Visual Impairments
Access to Music for the Physically Handicapped Schoolchild and School Leaver
by Daphne J. Kennard
Deaf Children in America
Observations d'Un Sourd Et Muet, Sur Un Cours Elementaire d'Education Des Sourds Et Muets (Ed.1779) (Sciences)
by Pierre Desloges
Educating Deaf Students
The 19th International Congress on Education of the Deaf (ICED) in 2000, held in Sydney, Australia, brought together 1,067 teachers, administrators and researchers from 46 countries to address an extremely wide selection of topics. Experts from around the world discussed inclusion of deaf students in regular educational environments, literacy, audiology, auditory development and listening programs, hearing aids, programming for children with cochlear implants, signed communication in education,...
Historically, deaf and hard of hearing people have demonstrated various levels of competence in a multitude of professions, but they also have experienced discrimination and oppression. In five critical sections, this volume responds to the tidal wave of high-stakes testing that has come to dominate educational policy and qualification for various occupations. It provides a digest of relevant research to meet the testing challenge, including work done by educational researchers, legal experts, t...
Deaf Students and the Qualitative Similarity Hypothesis
The difficulty that deaf and hard-of-hearing students have in attaining language and literacy skills has led many scholars to attribute their struggle to a developmental deficit. However, in this groundbreaking study, the contributors present the powerful research findings of the Qualitative Similarity Hypothesis, which debunks such theories by showing that all students learn language and literacy skills in a similar manner, but at different ages and paces. Showcasing a dozen noted scholars, thi...
Management of Accessibility for Handicapped Students in Higher Education