Explains how to integrate skills of educators and service providers to improve education for learners with severe cognitive and physical disabilities, including sensorimotor difficulties, vision/hearing impairments, and mental retardation. Includes chapters on assessment, handling and positioning, i
Rechenschwierigkeiten Vorbeugen (Beitrage Zur Sonderpadagogik, #30) (Beitraege Zur Sonderpaedagogik, #30)
by Christina Ostertag
Es gibt viele Ansatze fur das Kindergartenalter, Rechenschwierigkeiten vorzubeugen. Die Autorin untersucht eine Methode, die die Finger als Veranschaulichungsmittel verwendet. Vorschulkinder mit Lern- und Rechenschwierigkeiten wurden im Rahmen einer Einzelfallstudie uber einen Zeitraum von mehreren Wochen mit der kym(R) gefoerdert. UEberpruft wurden die mathematische Entwicklung und spezifische Fahigkeiten wie z. B. der Zahlensinn. Die Foerderkinder erzielten nach einer kurzen Intervention deutl...
The Bilingual English-Spanish Assessment (BESA) was developed in response to the need for valid, reliable instruments for assessment of speech and language ability, along a continuum, in English-Spanish bilingual children ages 4 through 6 years. The BESA is a comprehensive assessment of a child's speech and language abilities in English and Spanish. Two ancillary questionnaires (BIOS and ITALK) can be used to document language exposure and use, allowing the examiner to develop a profile of any...
Erwachsenenpadagogik in Der Erziehungswissenschaft Im 20. Jahrhundert (Gesellschaft Und Erziehung, #14)
by Werner Naumann
Schools are often faced with dealing with children who have mild forms of obsessive compulsive disorder. Through increased understanding, staff can support children with minimum stress. This book answers questions including: What is obsessive compulsive disorder?What are the causes?How can school staff help the sufferer?
Bindungsaufbau bei Pflegekindern. Phasen der Integration und Stoerungen im Bindungsverhalten
by Anonym
When the educationists have admitted the importance of special education for individuals having special needs, there has been a lot of effort to make sure that all children should have an access to special education. As far as the early childhood education is concerned, it is one of the most important steps forward to help children with special needs, to guarantee that the children learn the skills right at the start and eventually develop these effective skills through proper guidance and help...
Dyslexics are Orchids
by Cindy Jayne Brewer and James a O'Leary MD
Special Education Past, Present, and Future: Perspectives from the Field
The Disabled Learner
Transitions (Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities, #28)
How do students with learning disabilities or emotional and behavioral disorders fare in adulthood? Are their rates of employment, graduation from post-secondary schools, living independently similar to their non-disabled peers? What can schools and communities do to teach and support youth and young adults with learning disabilities or emotional and behavioral disorders? This Transition of Youth and Young Adult volume presents eminent scholars discussing critical and timely topics related to th...
First published in 2007. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.