A Path from Anxiety to Courage - One Step at a Time
by Elizabeth Birch Brown and Patricia Cawley Reid
Recent research suggests that sleep is unnecessary for human beings. Our waking consciousness could, therefore, be extended so that we could do without sleep altogether. Audrey McAllen, however, believes that sleep is vital for physical, psychological and spiritual well-being. An essential element in her remedial work with children is to encourage the development of a healthy relationship to sleep. This work explores the experiences of the soul during sleep. Topics covered are: the relationship...
Student Retention in Colleges Changes Lives and Society
by Victor G Stanley
Massive Graph Paper Book (Very Large Graph Paper Books for Writing and Sketching, #1)
by Eric Char
Peterson's Guide to Distance Learning (Peterson's Guide to Distance Learning Programs)
Alternative Education and Community Engagement: Making Education a Priority
by Ornette D Clennon
This book provides an in-depth examination of educational policy surrounding charter schools, primarily in Michigan.Michigan has one of the oldest and most robust charter school laws in the country, providing important insights into how a large scale and national charter school movement might affect public education.This book offers important insights to educators in states with no charter school law, in states considering strengthening existing laws, and national policy-makers seeking to influe...