In this Second Edition, new data has been replaced wherever possible. The authors have modified some of their observations and recommendations as a result of both changing times and discussions with educators across the nation.
Sam vende conchas marinas (Version en Espanol, #3)
by Esouhools Edition and Mohamed Zitouni
CLASS: College Learning and Study Skills
by Rhonda Holt Atkinson and Debbie Guice Longman
To succeed at anything, especially your classes, you'll need a plan. CLASS: COLLEGE LEARNING AND STUDY SKILLS shows you simple academic strategies you can use right away to start getting better grades than you ever thought possible. Whether you want to develop your writing, research, or note-taking skills, this is the study skills textbook that will get you to a much higher level of success.
The fifth edition of FOCUS ON COLLEGE SUCCESS recognizes the varied experiences of today's students and guides them to be more mindful, motivated, productive, and focused. The text's research-based approach builds a solid foundation, helping students to see the relevance of this course. Increased attention is given to diversity, mindfulness, resilience, grit, financial literacy, technology, and productivity, college-related "life hacks," alternative presentation e-tools, and the newest strategie...
Moving Out on Your Own Worktext (21st Century Lifeskills)
by Nan Bostic
Management of Human Service Programs
by Judith Lewis, Thomas Packard, and Michael Lewis
Practical and easy to use, this human services text provides important guidelines for working within agencies. The authors address important topics germane to management and administration, including evidence-based and empirically based practice, as well as challenges of management, environments of human service agencies, program design, organizational theory and design, human resources, supervisory relationships, finances, information systems, program evaluation, organizational change, leadersh...
YOUR GUIDE TO COLLEGE SUCCESS: STRATEGIES FOR ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS, 7th Edition, is an encouraging, personal, practical and engaging text written just for you! A six-part learning model will guide your college experiences by focusing on achievable strategies that involve the following areas: Know Yourself, Clarify Values, Develop Competence, Manage Life, Connect and Communicate, and Build a Bright Future. Each chapter has been organized around the central themes to help you achieve success in co...
From Master Student to Master Employee
Career readiness and workplace development are more important than ever to today's students. To be competitive and successful in today's job market, they need to learn how to continuously expand their knowledge and skills. Master Student to Master Employee helps your students discover what their skills are, what skills they already use in school are most applicable to the workplace, and how best to apply them. The Second Edition maintains the vision and proven content of the text while offering...
Instant Letter Sounds Student Workbook #27
by Sweet Sounds of Reading
Gardner's Guide to Colleges for Multimedia & Animation (Gardner's Guide)
by Garth Gardner
Brief Counseling That Works (Practical Skills for Counselors S.)
by Gerald B. Skalre
This book provides step-by-step instruction on how to use solution-focused brief counselling with students from ages 6 to 17. The author shows how this innovative approach can help counsellors, administrators, teachers, school psychologists and school social workers to overcome many of the pitfalls that impede school counselling.
The School Counselor's Book of Lists (J-B Ed: Book of Lists)
by D.J. Blum
An unparalleled information source and time-saver packed with 417 useful lists of guidelines, activities, and materials for academic, career, and personal/social counseling...everything K-12 counselors need to meet the developmental needs of students and work constructively with teachers, parents, and administrators.
2020-2021 Two Year Planner (Pretty Perfect Planner, #1) (Dog Lovers Perfect Planner, #1)
by New Nomads Press
While there are some books and articles about the importance of understanding in-school learning style and the benefits in achievement and attitude toward learning that accrue from matching learning style to learning environment, this is the first book on homework style. Homework style is the personal preference for doing the tasks assigned by teachers and learning new material outside of the formal school setting. Learning style and homework style have been found to be related yet empiricall...
The latest edition of this compact, concise text helps learners of all ages and backgrounds make the challenging transition to post-secondary education by taking control of their lives and improving their self-belief and self-esteem. A blend of concepts and applications helps readers to discover and develop their emotional, intellectual, physical and social potential. The text involves readers in active learning with self-assessments, activities that apply concepts to their own lives, questions...
Peer Mediation: Citizenship and Social Inclusion Revisited
by Hilary Cremin
"This book is a must for those who, like me, believe passionately both in the power of peer mediation...and in the urgency of spreading good practice in a society like ours, which is desperately searching for ways to be inclusive and at peace with itself."Tim Brighouse, former Commissioner for London Schools"As the challenges facing young people grow so do the array of support mechanisms to help them. During my time as a Member of Parliament and as a Minister I saw many of the ideas and initiati...