La historia desde una vision economica - Volumen I La prehistoria
by Gorka Oscoz Ocio
WHAT WORKS! provides a roadmap for National Board candidates by guiding them as they work through each of the four entries to be submitted. The chapters contain dozens of tips on What Works! and Why These Work!. The tips are practical, specific, and written in a conversational style that is easy to read.
School Decentralization in the Context of Globalizing Governance: International Comparison of Grassroots Responses
Assessment for Learning (Assessment Training Institute, Inc.)
by Steve Chappuis, Rick Stiggins, Judy Arter, and Jan Chappuis
Financial Accounting for School Administrators
by Ronald E. Everett, Donald R Johnson, and Bernard W. Madden
An update to Financial and Managerial Accounting for School Administrators: Superintendents, School Business Administrators and Principals, this book and CD includes current best practices, GASB pronouncements, and web-based applications. It also provides school administrators with important accounting background, technique, and applications in the school environment and demonstrates the overall binding effect accounting has on all of the tasks and functions performed by school administrators. K...
Schoolhouses, Courthouses, and Statehouses
by Eric A. Hanushek and Alfred A. Lindseth
Entrepreneurial Bureaucracy (Contemporary Studies in Sociology S., v. 1)
by Ronald G. Corwin
How to Build Credit If You Have No Credit - Establish AAA Credit in Less Then 12 months
by Jonathan Reilly
Education as a Humanitarian Response (International Education S.) (International Education)
Humanitarian emergencies, such as those in Rwanda, Somalia and Bosnia, are becoming increasingly drawn-out. In view of the significant psychological damage which refugees can suffer during emergency periods, education can no longer be seen as an optional extra - the quality of the education provided at these times can be crucial to a nation's rebirth. The contributors to this book, all of whom have been involved in humanitarian crises, offer an outline of how best to set up and carry out practic...