Sne Intro Educational Psychology
La Philosophy for Children (P4c) Per Lo Sviluppo Delle Capacita Cognitive Complesse
by Bruno Antonio Malena
Spielen weckt in allen Altersstufen die in uns angelegte Kreativität, Kommunikationsfähigkeit und Kooperation, die heute als Schlüsselqualifikationen für eine gelingende Lebensgestaltung im 21. Jahrhundert gelten. In unserer leistungsorientierten Gesellschaft kommt jedoch eine spielerische Herangehensweise an das Leben zu kurz. Das Buch bringt deshalb einen Gegenentwurf zum Optimierungswahn, dem Kinder ausgesetzt sind und der sich dann im Erwachsenenalter in Form der Selbstoptimierung fortsetzt....
Sportprogramm zur Verbesserung der Koordination von bewegungsbeeintrachtigten Kindern
by Denise Sula
E-Learning Systems, Environments and Approaches
The volume consists of twenty-five chapters selected from among peer-reviewed papers presented at the CELDA (Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age) 2013 Conference held in Fort Worth, Texas, USA, in October 2013 and also from world class scholars in e-learning systems, environments and approaches. The following sub-topics are included: Exploratory Learning Technologies (Part I), e-Learning social web design (Part II), Learner communities through e-Learning implementations (Part I...
Educational Psychology Binder Ready Version with Binder Set
by Roxana Moreno
Cognitive Perspectives on Peer Learning (Rutgers Invitational Symposium on Education)
The contribution of this volume to the literature on peer learning is its focus on approaches that reflect a common concern with cognitive processes based in developmental, information processing, or more generally, constructivist perspectives on peer learning. Although the clear importance of the social context of peer learning is not ignored, the volume's emphasis is on the cognitive growth that occurs within the learning environment. Any discussion of peer learning involves consideration...
Keys to College Success Compact, Student Value Edition Plus New Mylab Student Success -- Access Card Package
by Carol J Carter and Sarah Lyman Kravits
Social Interaction in Learning and Instruction (Advances in Learning and Instruction, #9)
This exciting new text examines how knowledge is socially constructed and shared through discursive interactions within the classroom community. The contributors discuss the meaning of the cognitive, emotional and social discourses that exist between teachers and learners and suggest how teachers can create an effective learning partnership to stimulate children. The authors also consider how children, in turn, construe the curriculum and how they perceive the ground-rules and peer-relationships...
Learning From Text Across Conceptual Domains
This volume is an attempt to synthesize the understandings we have about reading to learn. Although learning at all ages is discussed in this volume, the main focus is on middle and high school classrooms--critical spaces of learning and thinking. The amount of knowledge presented in written form is increasing, and the information we get from texts is often conflicting. We are in a knowledge explosion that leaves us reeling and may effectively disenfranchise those who are not keeping up. There h...
Problem-Based Learning in Clinical Education (Innovation and Change in Professional Education, #8)
Developed in the context of health sciences education in the late 1960s, problem-based learning (PBL) is now widely deployed as an education methodology. Its problem-solving, collaborative, student-centred ethos is seen as a more appropriate system of pedagogy than earlier 'chalk-and-talk' modes. Focusing on its use in clinical education, this collection of recent scholarship on PBL examines the ways in which PBL is both conceived and implemented in clinical education. The work has a dual emphas...
Anxiety, Learning and Instruction
by Joan E. Sieber, Harold F. O'Neil, Jr., and Sigmund Tobias
First published in 1977. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Foerderung von Lernvoraussetzungen im Elementarbereich am Beispiel der Foerderung phonologischer Bewusstheit
by Nathalie Drewes
Zukunftsperspektiven namibischer Jugendlicher im Hinblick auf Identitatsbildung
by Debora Totaro
The thinker who has a mortal fear of being wrong will give all that is valuable in himself to that little ambition. Walter Lippmann (1914) Psychology has always been plagued by passing fads and fan- cies to a greater extent than is seemly in a scientific discipline. Over the past few years the Zeitgeist can be summed up by the two words 'cognitive psychology'. Indeed, a recent poll of academic psychologists in American indicated that over 80% of them regarded themselves as cognitive psychologist...