Mylab Counseling with Pearson Etext -- Combo Access Card -- For Assessment for Counselors
by Bradley Erford
Instant Letter Sounds Student Workbook #29
by Sweet Sounds of Reading
"Going for an MBA? Show your managemen smarts by following this straigt-talking advice that will direct you through the MBa admissions maze. Written by two leading experts in MBA admissions consulting, this book will help you find hte right school for you. MBA Admissions for Smarties reveals vital, yet often-neglected steps to success that will save you from the needless disappointmnet of applying at the wrong time, for the wrong reasons, or to the wrong programs" -- p. [4] of cover.
Iran-Turkey Relations, 1979-2011 (Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World)
by Suleyman Elik
Both Turkey and Iran are large and important countries in the Middle East; how these two countries relate to each other is of crucial importance both for the region and for the wider world. This book explores the diplomatic, security and energy relations of these two middle power states since 1979, analysing the impact of religious, political and social transformation on their bilateral relationship. It considers the nature of Turkey-Iran relations in the context of middle power relations theory...
Developing Your Theoretical Orientation in Counseling and Psychotherapy (Subscription)
by Duane Halbur and Kimberly Halbur
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. This guide is designed to assist therapists in training—mental health counselors, psychologists, social workers, school counselors, substance abuse counselors, psychotherapists, and peer helpers—in the process of finding a theoretical orientation congruent with their own personal values. In it, readers get a look at the theory and practic...
100 Division Worksheets with 4-Digit Dividends, 4-Digit Divisors (100 Days Math Division, #13)
by Kapoo Stem
How to Pass the Garda Recruitment Process
by Noel McLoughlin and Noel-John McLoughlin
La Orientacic3n En Instituciones Educativas
by Ana C Caceres and Ana C. Cc!ceres
Everything You've Always Wanted to Know about an Aerospace Technical Career...But Didn't Know Existed
by Aaron Jones
Integration ALS Ziel Beruflicher Bildung
by Rolf Dobischat, Antonius Georg Walter / Lipsmeier, and Michael Wacker
Die berufliche Integration von Aussiedlern aus Osteuropa kann nur dauerhaft erfolgreich sein, wenn die vielfaltigen sozialen und beruflichen Problemlagen der Aussiedler in die Konzepte der beruflichen Qualifizierung eingehen. Zu berucksichtigen ist dabei, dass berufsqualifizierende Massnahmen neben verwertbaren berufsfachlichen Qualifikationen auch sprachliche und soziale Kompetenzen curricular und didaktisch-methodisch verbindend vermitteln mussen. Vorgestellt wird ein erprobtes Konzept, das im...
Mastering the theory and application of electrical concepts is necessary for a successful career in the electrical installation or industrial maintenance fields, and this newly revised, full color text delivers! Delmar's Standard Textbook of Electricity, 3E trains aspiring electricians by blending concepts relating to electrical theory with practical 'how to' information that prepares students for situations commonly encountered on the job. Topics span the major aspects of the electrical field i...
Instant Letter Sounds Student Workbook #17
by Sweet Sounds of Reading
Adult Learner's Guide to College Success
by Laurence Smith and Tim Walter
This book is designed to build the confidence of adult learners and to present strategies for basic skills such as classroom learning, studying, reading, note-taking, time management and test taking. Rather than saying, "here's how you did it in high school, and here's how you do it now", the focus is: "here are your assumptions about what you think you need to do to's what you really need to be concerned about...and here's what to do to deal with academic and personal adjustments...
Teaching Adolescents to Think and Act Responsibly
by Ann-Marie DiBiase, John C. Gibbs, Granville Bud Potter, and Matthew R. Blount
Holding students accountable for their actions and inspiring them with greater expectations is to respect them, to believe in them as people with positive potential. The EQUIP approach helps facilitate mature and accurate cognitive habits and behavioral skills in at-risk or potentially at-risk adolescents in the school setting. The curriculum addresses the ""three D's,"" common in these adolescents-developmental delays in moral judgment, self-serving cognitive distortions, and social skills def...
Skills Foresight 2000
Die bisherigen Forschungsarbeiten zur beruflichen Weiterbildung gingen kaum auf die besondere Situation der Bauwirtschaft ein. In der vorliegenden Studie werden daher Fragestellungen der beruflichen Weiterbildung unter dem speziellen Aspekt der Arbeits- und Qualifikationsstrukturen in Klein- und Mittelbetrieben des Bauhauptgewerbes untersucht. Analysen des Berufs- und Arbeitsplatzwandels fur gewerbliche Arbeitnehmer stehen im Mittelpunkt des ersten Teils der Arbeit. Im zweiten, empirischen Teil...