Zur Frage Der Erziehung Der Architekten Und Ingenieure Zu Verwaltungsbeamten
by Friedrich Ritzmann
Civil Examinations and Meritocracy in Late Imperial China
by Benjamin A. Elman
During China's late imperial period (roughly 1400-1900 CE), men would gather by the millions every two or three years outside official examination compounds sprinkled across China. Only one percent of candidates would complete the academic regimen that would earn them a post in the administrative bureaucracy. Civil Examinations assesses the role of education, examination, and China's civil service in fostering the world's first professional class based on demonstrated knowledge and skill.While m...
The Education of Henry Adams (Modern Library) (Modern Library 100 Best Nonfiction Books)
by Henry Adams
Adams was a historian, an intellectual born into the fourth generation of a family of distinguished politicians, diplomats and statesmen that included two presidents of the United States. His "Education" is thus steeped in history, that of his family and of the American politics, culture and identity they helped to shape. At the same time he elaborates his own 'dynamic theory of history' as the product of what he calls the conflict between the Virgin and the Dynamo: 'All the steam in the world c...
Die Bedeutung Des Erzieherischen Verhaeltnisses Bei Pestalozzi (Heidelberger Studien Zur Erziehungswissenschaft, #54)
Wie gestaltete Pestalozzi, als einer der massgeblichen Padagogen, den stets so beispielhaft harmonisch-aufbauenden Umfang mit seinen armen Zoeglingen? Warum blieben und bleiben seine padagogischen Ideen uber Generationen hinaus immerdar lebendig und wirksam? Welche Verflechtungen verbinden sein plebendig und wirksam? Welche Verflechtungen verbinden sein padagogisches Denken und Handeln mit dem Ganzen seiner Lebensgeschichte, speziell betreffend der pragenden Bezugspersonen? In Auseinandersetzung...
Anyone who wants to know what is really happening in schools - behind all the hype and political rhetoric about the privatizing reforms in education - should read this book. It clarifies how private interests are influencing the public education process and investigates Labour's successes and failures. In plain English, it shows how schools are set up, run and held to account through testing and inspection and how they make judgements about the relative merits of different schools’ performances...
Konzepte Und Wirkungen Des Transfers Dualer Berufsausbildung (Internationale Berufsbildungsforschung)
Structuring Learning Environments in Teacher Education to Elicit Dispositions as Habits of Mind
by Erskine S. Dottin, Lynne D Miller, and George E O'Brien
Daredevil Research (Counterpoints, #21)
Whisper Writing (Adolescent Cultures, School & Society, #36)
by Melissa M. Jones
Educating for Democracy in a Changing World (Counterpoints, #271)
Volksbildung auf dem Lande war schon immer und ist bis heute mit ambivalenten Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Emanzipationsbestrebungen und bildungspolitische Interessen praegen das Spannungsfeld fuer laendliche Bildungsprogramme, ihre raeumlich-institutionelle, mediale und curriculare Umsetzung. Das Buch gibt Einblicke in Volksbildungskonzepte aus verschiedenen Laendern in Europa, Amerika, Asien und Afrika. Gerade diese Perspektivenvielfalt ermoeglicht systematische Einsichten in Prozesse der l...
Intercultural and Multicultural Education (Routledge Research in Education, #39)
By addressing intercultural and multicultural education in a global context, this volume brings together the dynamic discussions and lively debate of intercultural and multicultural education taking place across the world. Not content with discussion of theory or practice at the expense of the other, this collection of essays embodies dialogical praxis by weaving together a variety of epistemologies, ideologies, historical circumstances, pedagogies, policy approaches, curricula, and personal nar...
Promoting Academic Resilience in Multicultural America (Adolescent Cultures, School & Society, #29)
by Erik E Morales and Frances K Trotman