Nursing Chronicles (Nursing Chronicles, #2)
by Nicole Annette Brown Rn3
Society is fuelled by anger; dissatisfaction shapes Twitter feeds, online petitions and protest marches. But is that enough to bring about change? Alejandra and Marcela are female anarchists, nervously planning to plant bombs in the middle of the night. They don't want violence. They just want to be heard. Prison's not much of a threat when most of your friends are inside. Then they meet Jose Miguel. He is from a different generation, a time when revolution was ripe and activism alive, and h...
Children of Fate was written in 1981 and is a fascinating, passionate and humorous testament to the forgotten lives of the dispossessed and marginalised in General Pinochet’s Chile. 2013 is the fortieth anniversary of the year Pinochet seized power in a vicious coup.
Two Nineteenth-Century Plays from Trinidad
This fourth volume in the Caribbean Heritage series presents the texts of two short plays, first written in Trinidad in 1832 and 1852–53. The author of Martial Law in Trinidad was E.L. Joseph, an English-born long-time resident of Trinidad, who later published a novel, Warner Arundell: The Adventures of a Creole, and the first history of the island. The author of Past and Present is not known, but may have been G.N. Dessources, a mixed-race Trinidadian who probably wrote Adolphus, a Tale around...
Includes the plays A Bitter Herb, Absolution, Identity, The Far Side, Mary Seacole, and Urban Afro-Saxons This second and sister volume to Hidden Gems showcases a further range of plays by Black British writers whose work reaches beyond themes too-often perceived by mainstream theatre commissioning as defining Black people's experiences. The plays, monodrama and libretto represent subject-matter from woman-centred history, revolutionary politics, trans-racial adoption and African-diasporic fami...
Feeling the Gaze (North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures)
by Gail Bulman
Feeling the Gaze explores the visual elements in eight contemporary Argentine and Chilean theater performances. Gail A. Bulman shows how staged images can awaken spectators' emotions to activate their intellect, provoking nuanced and deep contemplation of social, historical, and political themes. Ranging from simple props, costumes, body movements and spatial constructions to integrated media and digital images, the aesthetic components in these pieces engage to forge multifaceted storytelling,...