John Millington Synges Dramatische Poesie (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #98)
by Klaus Naseband
Synge gilt zusammen mit Yeats als Begrunder des modernen irischen Dramas. Der hier durchlaufene Weg geht von einer theoretischen Annaherung an den Begriff der Poesie aus. Ein Zwischenziel ist die Darstellung des Entstehens spezifischer Poesie aus poetisch indifferenten Bausteinen und die Ausweisung der Sprache Synges als eine artistische Dramensprache. Die auf diese Befunde aufbauende Analyse der Stucke macht das in der Themenstellung beschlossene Ergebnis transparent: Synges Stucke als dramatis...
Die Logik Der Phantasie (Arbeiten Zur Easthetik, Didaktik, Literatur- Und Sprachwisse, #11)
by Cornelia Czach
Mit den vier Spatstucken Shakespeares ist das Theater bis zum Aussersten seiner gestalterischen Kraft gefordert. Als kuhne Experimente mit den Moglichkeiten des Buhnenstucks entziehen sie sich einer eindeutigen Gattungszuordnung, vor allem zur Romanze und zur Tragikomodie. Auch in der Komodie, der die Stucke unverkennbar am nachsten stehen, gehen sie in ihrer Vielschichtigkeit nicht auf, wenngleich sie zentrale Merkmale dieser Gattung aufweisen. Die Untersuchung stellt dar, wie sich die vier Sch...
Importance of Being Earnest, The: A Trivial Comedy for Serious People
by Oscar Wilde
History of English Drama, 1660-1900 7 Volume Paperback Set (in 9 parts)
by Allardyce Nicoll
Allardyce Nicoll's History of English Drama, 1660-1900 was an immense scholarly achievement and the work of one man. Nicoll's History, which tells the story of English drama from the reopening of the theatres at the time of the Restoration right through to the end of the Victorian period, was viewed by Notes and Queries (1952) as 'a great work of exploration, a detailed guide to the untrodden acres of our dramatic history, hitherto largely ignored as barren and devoid of interest'. The History i...
Work Ethic (Dramascripts Extra S.)
In this title, a simple matter of industrial relations quickly escalates into a battle between good and evil.
The Theatre of Marie Jones (Carysfort Press Ltd.)
Marie Jones is one of the most prolific and popular writers working in Northern Irish theatre today. Her work has achieved local relevance and international recognition. In the course of a remarkable career now spanning five decades, Jones has been an actor, playwright, and screenwriter; she also helped to establish two major Irish theatre companies (Charabanc and DubbelJoint) as well as playing a major role in theatre-in-education through her plays for Replay Productions. From her earliest work...
Filumena has lived with Domenico for twenty five years, but is to be thrown over for a younger woman. So she pretends to be dying and inveigles him into a "deathbed marriage." When he proves the marriage to be null and void, she informs him she has three grown sons which she has supported by stealing from him and that one of them is his (she won't say which).5 women, 8 men
Wit Without Money The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
by Francis Beaumont
In addition to providing much fascinating new material about Bernard Shaw, this volume covers so much of his active life from 1889, before his first play was completed, through his world travels of the 1930s that it comes close to being a biography of the public Shaw as well as a probing look at the private Shaw.Shaw's first travels were to Bayreuth as a Wagner pilgrim and to Holland and Belgium for their art and theater. Italy was next, and the result was Shaw's self-styled "Pre-Raphaelite" pla...
The Edinburgh Companion to Scottish Drama (Edinburgh Companions to Scottish Literature)
by Ian Brown
Combines historical rigour with an analysis of dramatic contexts, themes and forms The 17 contributors explore the longstanding and vibrant Scottish dramatic tradition and the important developments in Scottish dramatic writing and theatre, with particular attention to the last 100 years. The first part of the volume covers Scottish drama from the earliest records to the late twentieth-century literary revival, as well as translation in Scottish theatre and non-theatrical drama. The second part...
The Dramatic Works of Samuel Foote, Esq (Volume 2); To Which Is Prefixed a Life of the Author in Two Volumes
by Samuel Foote
Oh What A Lovely War
Oh What a Lovely War is a theatrical chronicle of the First World War, told through the songs and documents of the period. First performed by Joan Littlewood's Theatre Workshop at the Theatre Royal, Stratford East, London in 1963, it received the acclaim of London audiences and critics. It won the Grand Prix of the Theatre des Nations festival in Paris that year and has gone on to become a classic of the modern theatre. In 1969 a film version was made which extended the play's popular success. T...