Markenportfoliomanagement im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel
by Soren Sundermann
Sören Sundermann entwickelt aus marken- und investitionsstrategischer Perspektive einen konzeptionell fundierten Planungs- und Handlungsansatz für das handelsseitige Markenportfoliomanagement. Mit Hilfe dieses Ansatzes werden die verschiedenen Markentypen (Corporate Brand, Retail Brands, Eigen- und Fremdmarken) im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel systematisch aufeinander abgestimmt, wodurch sich gleichermaßen Rentabilitäts- als auch Markenziele realisieren lassen. Durch die Formulierung von Implikatione...
In previous books, the author has investigated rivalry in the context of sport and non-sport settings. This book investigates how rivalry and group member behavior manifests in the setting of politics, religion, and sport, three settings of intense group member bias. Building on the author’s Hierarchy of Out-group Derogation (HOD) and Out-group Derogation Spectrum (ODS), it discusses the potential of common interests to drive out-group cooperation. The work ends with a call for future research t...
In diesem Buch wird ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz für die Welt des Konsums gewählt, der verschiedene Themen abdeckt und soziologische, wirtschaftliche und marketingbezogene Aspekte einbezieht. Der Begriff "Konsum" ist vage, und selbst in den akademischen Disziplinen wird der Begriff auf unterschiedliche Weise verwendet. Die Konsumforschung fragt, wie Einkommen und Ausgaben miteinander zusammenhängen. Ganz allgemein untersucht die Konsumforschung, wie Menschen, soziale Schichten oder Gesellschaft...
Take an in-depth look into the gig economy to see how tech professionals and entrepreneurs can earn a living as freelancers and contractors. Build your own business. The pros and cons of the lifestyle and what to expect from it are discussed. In this book, author Adam Sinicki explains the impact of the gig economy and the forces that led to it as it relates to technology and working online. You will understand how to make a living supplying tech skills on a "per gig" basis. Practical instructio...
How to Create a Trade Mark, Protect it and Build your Brand
by Liam Birkett
You will learn how to devise your trade mark The essential steps to ensure that you can use the mark How to register and protect it How to exploit multiple types of trade marks The misconceptions regarding company names Errors relating to domain names How to use your branding to get free publicity How to add value to your brand A strategy to follow for expansion Practical examples of trade marks You will benefit from knowing the direct route to creating a strong branding. Everything in this b...
This illustrated book retraces the career of renowned and eclectic Chinese designer Yin Jiulong, featuring his prolific body of work spanning twenty years. This is the first comprehensive monograph on Jiulong’s creations. Lavishly illustrated with 200 photographs and illustrations, this book provides complete documentation of the history, inspiration, and details of his eclectic career. Straddling graphic design, art, space and product design, and branding, Jiulong’s creative output mixes Chine...
How to Launch a Brand (2nd Edition - Trade) (2nd Edition - Trade)
by Fabian Geyrhalter
The definitive guide to contemporary and historical graphic design for designers and creatives.'Everything you can think of is covered...and everything in between. The Graphic Design Bible plays to all of Inglis's strengths as an all-rounder - designer, writer, historian, researcher, editor and educator...His writing balances expertise with accessibility...many graphic design educators will wish they had the budget to buy every single one of their students a copy.' Eye MagazineDesigner, writer a...
A larger-than-life figure in the design community with a client list to match, Paula Scher turned her first major project as a partner at Pentagram into a formative twenty-five-year relationship with the Public Theater in New York. This behind-the-scenes account of the relationship between Scher and "the Public," as it's affectionately known, chronicles over two decades of brand and identity development and an evolving creative process in a unique "autobiography of graphic design." New Yorke...
Gen Z's Fashion Revolution
This book explores the significant changes that the fashion industry is undergoing as a result of the powerful influence of Gen Z - a demographic that demands authenticity, diversity, and sustainability from the brands they interact with. Understanding and catering to the interests of Gen Z is vital for fashion brands who want to remain competitive, build brand loyalty, and secure future success. Looking at the global market segment, with additional analysis of local differences across regional...
Social Media Marketing 2019 (Marketing and Branding, #1)
by Gavin Turner
In 2021 after recreational marijuana was legalized in New York, an onslaught of guerilla smoke shops that sold weed began opening all over the city, beating any state-sanctioned dispensaries to the market. Almost overnight, it felt like every empty storefront was a smoke shop and every deli had added weed to their inventory. In an immediately over saturated market with accessibility like never before, the question of how to make your product stand out arose. The answer? Branding! This shift from...
Sketchbook (Sketchbooks for Kids, #1) (Notebook for Designers, #2)
by Notebook Fever
Rebellious Entrepreneurs (Palgrave Studies in Global Entrepreneurship)
by Pinaki Dasgupta and Arindam Banik
This book focuses on entrepreneurship and brand-building processes of businesses in India. It does so by highlighting seven regional entrepreneurs in the country as case studies, and how they have created an ecosystem around them with regard to efficiency in supply chain, excellence in marketing, creating a sustainable environment of doing business, providing gainful employment, working with limited resources and credit, and finally showcasing resilience in their work. Case studies in the book i...
Fashion Marketing
This book offers a comprehensive overview of key topics, debates and issues in the field of fashion marketing. The purpose of fashion marketing is to understand the needs of consumers and to orientate both strategic and operational activities to satisfy those needs. In recent times, fashion marketing has faced an era of fast-paced change characterised by the rise of fashion influencers, the impact of technology, and the complexity of consumer needs, which has never been so great. As such, there...
Pop Art Sexy Dog Notebook (Designer Notebooks, #3)
by Nifty Notebooks
From "All the Way with LBJ" to red MAGA hats, famous and infamous slogans, logos, signage, and accessories from over a century of presidential elections are compiled in a striking visual encyclopedia. Presidential campaigns emerge in state fairs, stump speeches, and selfie lines; but when the crowds disperse and after ballots are cast, movements live on in posters, logos, slogans, and accessories. From Hillary pins to Warren Harding's "Return to Normalcy" banners, from buttons emblazoned with D...
Here is the perfect volume for graphic designers who want real-life advice for long-term success. Renowned designer Ellen Shapiro reveals time-tested tricks of the trade-for making sure the clients you want to work with know about you, become your clients, and work with you productively. Then, in a series of one-on-one interviews, leading designers such as Milton Glaser, April Greiman, Mke Weymouth, Drew Hodges, Marc Gobe, and partners in Pentagram reveal their personal experiences and insights...