Chain is not only a very popular element in jewelry-making, but designing with chain is very hot in jewelry design and designing with chain is fast, fun, and affordable.Popular beading magazines are featuring projects incorporating chain, and the designs range from classic to vintage to punk. Chain Style expands on this hot trend by offering 50 creative ideas for how to use chain as the key design feature. Designing with chain is fast, fun, and affordable. A few special beads connected together...
It is extraordinary that so little has been published about the workmen of the Armourers' Company of London and their products. Not only does an extensive archive survive for the Company but also a rich profusion of makers', guild, arsenal and government marks on the very large quantity of their surviving armour. Perhaps the principal reason for this is the prejudice of armour scholars over the years. This is not the 'armour of Kings and captains' to which most scholarly effort has been devoted,...
Robert Thompson, known as 'The Mouseman', of Kilburn, North Yorkshire (1876-1955) is widely regarded as having been one of this country's finest craftsmen of hand carved, traditional oak furniture. His life story is fascinating - a quiet man, who never moved away from the cottage in which he was born in his home village of Kilburn in North Yorkshire. Nonetheless, his work was discovered by leading architects of the day who commissioned major pieces for cathedrals, stately homes, and municipal bu...
I Have Two Titles Dad And Blacksmith And I Rock Them Both
by Blacksmith Master Shop
If you only associate woodturning with chair legs and classic furniture the time has come to take a look at this book. Modern woodturning will show you how a classic craft can be interpreted in a modern way and what turned objects with a clear design line can look like. This book will introduce you to traditional woodturning techniques and describe step by step how raw wood may be turned into beautiful, elegant shapes. Each technique is illustrated with many pictures showing every step from the...
Keep Your Wrist Watch Clean and Ticking - A Guide to Wrist Watch Cleaning and Care
by Anon
Elementary Metal Work
by Charles Godfrey Leland and Elizabeth Robins Pennell Collection
This book was written for people who have never used a 3D carving machine. It teaches the basics of designing and making things with Inventables' software (Easel) and 3D carving machines (X-Carve and Carvey). We'll take you step-by-step through five projects you can build yourself as a beginner: an inspiration tile, kitchen cutting board, custom block stamp, fidget spinner, and balsa wood glider. The book also features aspirational projects from makers in the community, like an electric guitar,...
All I Care about Is Blacksmithing and Like Maybe Three People
by Real Joy Publications