Joe Celko's Data and Databases (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
by Joe Celko
Do you need an introductory book on data and databases? If the book is by Joe Celko, the answer is yes. Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice is the first introduction to relational database technology written especially for practicing IT professionals. If you work mostly outside the database world, this book will ground you in the concepts and overall framework you must master if your data-intensive projects are to be successful. If you're already an experienced database programmer, admi...
Learn how to create interactive and visually aesthetic plots using the Bokeh package in Python About This Book • A step by step approach to creating interactive plots with Bokeh • Go from nstallation all the way to deploying your very own Bokeh application • Work with a real time datasets to practice and create your very own plots and applications Who This Book Is For This book is well suited for data scientists and data analysts who want to perform interactive data visualization on their w...
Essential Bioinformatics
A flood of data means that many of the challenges in biology are now challenges in computing. Bioinformatics, the application of computational techniques to analyse the information associated with biomolecules on a large-scale, has now firmly established itself as a discipline in molecular biology, and encompasses a wide range of subject areas from structural biology, genomics to gene expression studies. In this text we provide an introduction and overview of the current state of the field. We d...
Management of Data
This volume comprises papers presented at the Eighth International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD'97). The papers presented describe work in the areas of: data mining; data warehousing; concurrency and recovery in databases; database design; data processing and optimization; meta-data; and deductive databases. The authors are database researchers and practitioners from Australia, China, France, Germany, India, Malaysia, Spain and the USA.
Big Data, Big Analytics (Wiley CIO)
by Michael Minelli, Michele Chambers, and Ambiga Dhiraj
Unique prospective on the big data analytics phenomenon for both business and IT professionals The availability of Big Data, low-cost commodity hardware and new information management and analytics software has produced a unique moment in the history of business. The convergence of these trends means that we have the capabilities required to analyze astonishing data sets quickly and cost-effectively for the first time in history. These capabilities are neither theoretical nor trivial. They repre...
Anyone who interacts with today's modern databases needs to know SQL (Structured Query Language), the standard language for generating, manipulating, and retrieving database information. In recent years, the dramatic rise in the popularity of relational databases and multi-user databases has fueled a healthy demand for application developers and others who can write SQL code efficiently and correctly. If you're new to databases, or need a SQL refresher, "Learning SQL on SQL Server 2005" is an id...
Based on the seminar that took place in Dagstuhl, Germany in June 2011, this contributed volume studies the four important topics within the scientific visualization field: uncertainty visualization, multifield visualization, biomedical visualization and scalable visualization. * Uncertainty visualization deals with uncertain data from simulations or sampled data, uncertainty due to the mathematical processes operating on the data, and uncertainty in the visual representation,* Multifield visual...
Visualization of Time-Oriented Data (Human-Computer Interaction) (Humancomputer Interaction, #0)
by Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, and Heidrun Schumann
Time is an exceptional dimension that is common to many application domains such as medicine, engineering, business, or science. Due to the distinct characteristics of time, appropriate visual and analytical methods are required to explore and analyze them. This book starts with an introduction to visualization and historical examples of visual representations. At its core, the book presents and discusses a systematic view of the visualization of time-oriented data along three key questions: wha...
BioInformatics: A Computing Perspective
by Shuba Gopal, Anne Haake, Rhys Price Jones, and Paul Tymann
This book is written by a very experienced author team representing the many areas out of which the new discipline of Bioinformatics is emerging. Their common sense approach and carefully detailed presentation have positioned Bioinformatics: A Computing Perspective on the front lines for defining how the college Bioinformatics course will ultimately be taught. Bioinformatics: A Computing Approach is to make students conversant with key concepts in the biological sciences and knowledgeable about...
It is now possible to predict the future when it comes to crime. In Data Mining and Predictive Analysis, Dr. Colleen McCue describes not only the possibilities for data mining to assist law enforcement professionals, but also provides real-world examples showing how data mining has identified crime trends, anticipated community hot-spots, and refined resource deployment decisions. In this book Dr. McCue describes her use of "off the shelf" software to graphically depict crime trends and to pre...
The standard bearing guide for multicultural counseling courses now enhanced with research-based, topical, and pedagogical refinements Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice, 7th Edition is the new update to the seminal work on multicultural counseling. From author Derald Wing Sue one of the most cited multicultural scholars in the United States this comprehensive work includes current research, cultural and scientific theoretical formations, and expanded exploration of internali...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th IFIP WG 8.1 International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations, ICISO 2016, held in Campinas, Brazil, in August 2016.The 16 full papers and 9 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 30 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: organisational semiotics: theory and research; semiotics of interactions and socially aware user interface design; digital business ecosys...
Data Science and Data Analytics
Data science is a multi-disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured (labeled) and unstructured (unlabeled) data. It is the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and a necessity of the future to make things easier and more productive. In simple terms, data science is the discovery of data or uncovering hidden patterns (such as complex behaviors, trends, and inferences) from data. Moreover, Big Data analytic...
Achieve best-in-class metrics and get more from your data with JMP JMP Connections is the small- and medium-sized business owner's guide to exceeding customer expectations by getting more out of your data using JMP. Uniquely bifunctional, this book is divided into two parts: the first half of the book shows you what JMP can do for you. You'll discover how to wring every last drop of insight out of your data, and let JMP parse reams of raw numbers into actionable insight that leads to better stra...
Big Data Processing with Apache Spark
by Manuel Ignacio Franco Galeano
No need to spend hours ploughing through endless data – let Spark, one of the fastest big data processing engines available, do the hard work for you. Key Features Get up and running with Apache Spark and Python Integrate Spark with AWS for real-time analytics Apply processed data streams to machine learning APIs of Apache Spark Book DescriptionProcessing big data in real time is challenging due to scalability, information consistency, and fault-tolerance. This book teaches you how to use Spa...
The first book for managers and technical professionals that teaches data mining in an accessible way and that explains how data mining drives next-generation customer relationship strategies. Data Mining Explained helps technically-proficient managers and IT professionals use powerful data mining technologies to solve important business challenges, most importantly to identify and better serve customer needs. Written by data mining experts, Data Mining Explained describes how companies in gener...
Python for Data Analysis (Machine Learning with Python, #2)
by Oliver R Simpson
Small Business Clustering Technologies: Applications in Marketing, Management, IT and Economics
Data Mining: A Heuristic Approach
Management Support Systeme und Business Intelligence
by Peter Gluchowski, Roland Gabriel, and Carsten Dittmar
Seit mehr als dreissig Jahren werden Anstrengungen unternommen, um eine bessere Unterstützung betrieblicher Fach- und Führungskräfte bei der Bewältigung ihrer dispositiven Arbeiten mit computergestützten Informationssystemen zu erreichen. Das Buch greift die unterschiedlichen, in der betrieblichen Praxis bewährten System- und Konzeptkategorien auf und ordnet diese historisch, funktional und architektonisch ein. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei die aktuellen technologischen Strömungen im Business Int...