Real-Time Modelling and Processing for Communication Systems (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, #29)
This book presents cutting-edge work on real-time modelling and processing, a highly active research field in both the research and industrial domains. Going beyond conventional real-time systems, major efforts are required to develop accurate and computational efficient real-time modelling algorithms and design automation tools that reflect the technological advances in high-speed and ultra-low-power transceiver communication architectures based on nanoscale devices. The book addresses basic...
Decision Models in Engineering and Management (Decision Engineering)
Providing a comprehensive overview of various methods and applications in decision engineering, this book presents chapters written by a range experts in the field. It presents conceptual aspects of decision support applications in various areas including finance, vendor selection, construction, process management, water management and energy, agribusiness , production scheduling and control, and waste management. In addition to this, a special focus is given to methods of multi-criteria decisio...
Elektroniksimulation Mit PSPICE (Viewegs Fachbucher Der Technik)
by Bernhard Beetz
Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Complex Systems Modelling and Simulation
Mathematical and Computational Analyses of Cracking Formation (Mathematics for Industry, #2)
by Yoichi Sumi
This book is about the pattern formation and the evolution of crack propagation in engineering materials and structures, bridging mathematical analyses of cracks based on singular integral equations, to computational simulation of engineering design. The first two parts of this book focus on elasticity and fracture and provide the basis for discussions on fracture morphology and its numerical simulation, which may lead to a simulation-based fracture control in engineering structures. Several des...
Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (Programming and Software Engineering, #8767)
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS 2014, held in Valencia, Spain, in September/October 2014. The 41 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 126 submissions. The scope of the conference series is broad, encompassing modeling languages, methods, tools, and applications considered from theoretical and practical angles and in academic and indust...
Simulating Innovation - Computer-based Tools for Rethinking Innovation
by Christopher Watts and Nigel Gilbert
This book brings together computer models and simulation approaches that allow the investigation of a wide range of innovation related issues, and hence will be of interest for academics and researchers from a variety of innovation related disciplines.'- Mercedes Bleda, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social SimulationChristopher Watts and Nigel Gilbert explore the generation, diffusion and impact of innovations, which can now be studied using computer simulations. Agent-based simulation mo...
Variational Methods in Molecular Modeling (Molecular Modeling and Simulation)
This book presents tutorial overviews for many applications of variational methods to molecular modeling. Topics discussed include the Gibbs-Bogoliubov-Feynman variational principle, square-gradient models, classical density functional theories, self-consistent-field theories, phase-field methods, Ginzburg-Landau and Helfrich-type phenomenological models, dynamical density functional theory, and variational Monte Carlo methods. Illustrative examples are given to facilitate understanding of the b...
Thirty years ago mathematical, as opposed to applied numerical, computation was difficult to perform and so relatively little used. Three threads changed that: the emergence of the personal computer; the discovery of fiber-optics and the consequent development of the modern internet; and the building of the Three "M's" Maple, Mathematica and Matlab. We intend to persuade that Maple and other like tools are worth knowing assuming only that one wishes to be a mathematician, a mathematics educa...
Computational Methods for Nanoscale Applications (Nanostructure Science and Technology)
by Igor Tsukerman
Positioning itself at the common boundaries of several disciplines, this work provides new perspectives on modern nanoscale problems where fundamental science meets technology and computer modeling. In addition to well-known computational techniques such as finite-difference schemes and Ewald summation, the book presents a new finite-difference calculus of Flexible Local Approximation Methods (FLAME) that qualitatively improves the numerical accuracy in a variety of problems.
Modeling and Using Context (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, #2680) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #2680)
The refereed proceedings of the 4th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context, CONTEXT 2003, held in Stanford, CA, USA in June 2003. The 31 full papers and 15 short papers presented were carefully reviewed, selected, and revised for inclusion in the book. The papers presented deal with the interdisciplinary topic of modeling and using context from various points of view, ranging through cognitive science, formal logic, artifical intelligence, computational inte...
Software and System Development Using Virtual Platforms
by Daniel Aarno and Jakob Engblom
Virtual platforms are finding widespread use in both pre- and post-silicon computer software and system development. They reduce time to market, improve system quality, make development more efficient, and enable truly concurrent hardware/software design and bring-up. Virtual platforms increase productivity with unparalleled inspection, configuration, and injection capabilities. In combination with other types of simulators, they provide full-system simulations where computer systems can be test...
Natural gas, especially unconventional gas, has an increasingly important role in meeting the world's energy needs. Experts estimate that it has the potential to add anywhere from 60-250% to the global proven gas reserve in the next two decades. To maintain pace with increasing global demand, Unconventional Gas Reservoirs provides the necessary bridge into the newer processes, approaches and designs to help identify these more uncommon reservoirs available and how to maximize its unconventional...
Modellbildung Und Simulation Hochdynamischer Fertigungssysteme
by Oliver Zirn and Sascha Weikert
Advances in Fractional Calculus
In the last two decades, fractional (or non integer) differentiation has played a very important role in various fields such as mechanics, electricity, chemistry, biology, economics, control theory and signal and image processing. For example, in the last three fields, some important considerations such as modelling, curve fitting, filtering, pattern recognition, edge detection, identification, stability, controllability, observability and robustness are now linked to long-range dependence pheno...
Diese mathematisch orientierte Einfuhrung in typische Klimamodelle stellt anhand konkreter Modelle den Prozess von der Modellbildung uber die mathematische Analyse bis zur konkreten Umsetzung (Simulation) am Rechner in den Mittelpunkt. Dabei werden auch die zur Simulation wichtigen Bereiche der Mathematik und der Informatik wie Entwicklung und Konvergenz von Algorithmen und Umgang mit hochdimensionalen Problemen behandelt. Viel Wert wird auf eine verstandliche Erklarung der Grundprinzipien der...
A guide to using Mathematica so as to explore cellular automata within natural phenomena, such as insect colonies, bird flight paths and even DNA sequencing. Designed for physicists, life scientists, and engineers - in fact, everyone dealing with fractals - the book first introduces Mathematica before going on to provide the valuable information needed to properly motivate the code and run the simulations presented in the book. All these simulations have been tested both inside and outside the c...
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, ARCS 2014, held in Lubeck, Germany, in February 2014. The 20 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 44 submissions. They are organized in topical sections named: parallelization: applications and methods; self-organization and trust; system design; system design and sensor systems; and virtualization: I/O, memory, cloud; dependability: safety, securi...
Input Modeling with Phase-Type Distributions and Markov Models (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics)
by Peter Buchholz, Jan Kriege, and Iryna Felko
Containing a summary of several recent results on Markov-based input modeling in a coherent notation, this book introduces and compares algorithms for parameter fitting and gives an overview of available software tools in the area. Due to progress made in recent years with respect to new algorithms to generate PH distributions and Markovian arrival processes from measured data, the models outlined are useful alternatives to other distributions or stochastic processes used for input modeling. Gra...
Intelligent Energy Demand Forecasting (Lecture Notes in Energy, #10)
by Wei-Chiang Hong
As industrial, commercial, and residential demands increase and with the rise of privatization and deregulation of the electric energy industry around the world, it is necessary to improve the performance of electric operational management. Intelligent Energy Demand Forecasting offers approaches and methods to calculate optimal electric energy allocation to reach equilibrium of the supply and demand. Evolutionary algorithms and intelligent analytical tools to improve energy demand forecasting ac...