This Girl Podcasts Like A Boss (Podcaster Planner, #9)
by Grandpodhead Press
Different Ways to Be a Success in Internet Marketing Kourtney
by Kourtney Turner Turner
Market Domination for Podcasting shares the secrets of 23 of the top podcasters and marketing minds in the world today. Business owners can use Seth Greene's unique podcasting model to generate 20 new referral partners promoting their business in just 20 minutes a week.
Collaborative Information Behavior
Collaborative Information Behavior: User Engagement and Communication Sharing fulfills that urgent demand by presenting current research and practices in the area of collaborative information behavior. Providing empirical research findings, theoretical frameworks, and models relevant to the myriad aspects of collaborative information behavior, this book is an ambitious and important work for professionals, educators and researchers in the fields of information science, knowledge management, huma...
Los formatos en audio y especialmente el pódcast han abierto nuevas posibilidades comunicativas y creativas. Es un ecosistema en ebullición y evolución constante, que tiene una amplia repercusión en todas las audiencias, pero especialmente en los millennials a través de una nueva manera de contar historias, reales o de ficción. El ascenso es global, pero no puede entenderse sin su relación con algunas tendencias informativas y comunicativas contemporáneas: la irrupción de la voz como herramienta...
With currently 850,000 series and some 30 million episodes, podcasting is making its mark on the world’s media landscape and deserves a text filling this gap in its scholarship. Using some of the most popular, exciting, and creative podcasts, Music and Podcasting combines new media study with contemporary musicology to discover how music and sound can be used to bring a podcast to life. It offers a step-by-step framework to analyse how music and sound work in any podcast show, and offers guidanc...