Computers: from Logic to Architecture
by R. D. Dowsing and Frank Woodhams
This text provides an introduction to computer hardware, software and firmware for those wishing to follow more specialist courses in later years. Assuming almost no previous knowledge of either hardware or software it proceeds from basic concepts of logic design to computer structure, memory systems, and input-output considerations. A description of a small computer system then explains the basic principles of data storage, instruction sets, and addressing modes, as a preamble to systems softwa...
Nanometer SRAM and DRAM Circuit Design
by Paul S. Lazar, Yong-Bin Kim, and Ban P. Wong
Low power consumption is moving higher up on the priority list of system requirements resulting in low power memory architectures and circuit implementations. Circuits need to operate reliably at low voltages (below 1.0V) yet meet their performance targets. The larger spread of process variations as the technology node shrinks makes worst case design impractical. These design challenges impact also the peripheral, control, ancillary and i/o circuits of the SRAM and DRAM. The goal of this boo...
Introduzione Al Progetto Di Sistemi Digitali
by Giuliano Donzellini, Luca Oneto, Domenico Ponta, and Davide Anguita
Il testo, concepito per studenti di un primo corso di reti logiche nelle Facolta di Ingegneria e di Scienze, fornisce una solida conoscenza delle basi teoriche delle reti logiche. Parte dall'algebra booleana e dall'aritmetica binaria, e passando per le reti sequenziali e le macchine a stati finite, accompagna i lettori nella progettazione e simulazione di sistemi formati da controllore e datapath. L'apprendimento delle parti teoriche e facilitato dalla presentazione di numerosi esempi ed eserciz...
From my B.E.E degree at the University of Minnesota and right through my S.M. degree at M.I.T., I had specialized in solid state devices and microelectronics. I made the decision to switch to computer-aided design (CAD) in 1981, only a year or so prior to the introduction of the simulated annealing algorithm by Scott Kirkpatrick, Dan Gelatt, and Mario Vecchi of the IBM Thomas 1. Watson Research Center. Because Prof. Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, my UC Berkeley advisor, had been a consultant a...
Diese in der Neuauflage zweibandige Einfuhrung behandelt die fundamentalen Modelle, Formalismen und sprachlichen Konstruktionen sowie die wichtigsten Anwendungsgebiete und technischen Konzeptionen der Informatik. Die Darstellung zeichnet sich durch saubere formale Fundierung und begriffliche Klarheit aus. Der vorliegende Band 2 fasst die in der 1. Auflage getrennt erschienenen Teile III und IV zusammen. Teil III behandelt Grundbegriffe und Beschreibungstechniken fur verteilte informationsverarbe...
Guide to Discrete Mathematics (Texts in Computer Science)
by Gerard O'Regan
This stimulating textbook presents a broad and accessible guide to the fundamentals of discrete mathematics, highlighting how the techniques may be applied to various exciting areas in computing. The text is designed to motivate and inspire the reader, encouraging further study in this important skill. Features: provides an introduction to the building blocks of discrete mathematics, including sets, relations and functions; describes the basics of number theory, the techniques of induction and...
Very Large Scale Integration Array Processors (Prentice Hall information & system sciences)
by S. Y. Kung
This report describes the partially completed correctness proof of the Viper 'block model'. Viper [7,8,9,11,23] is a microprocessor designed by W. J. Cullyer, C. Pygott and J. Kershaw at the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment in Malvern, England, (henceforth 'RSRE') for use in safety-critical applications such as civil aviation and nuclear power plant control. It is currently finding uses in areas such as the de- ployment of weapons from tactical aircraft. To support safety-critical applicati...
Modellierung Und Transformation Digitaler Schaltungen Mittels Digital Circuit Petri Nets
by Christoph Brandau
Contains 45 regular papers, eight practical experience reports (in sessions on architecture and assessment), and four software demonstrations (two relative to systems and two related to tools) from FTCS-25. The regular papers are organized into 16 sessions: system architecture, synthesis, interactiv
Handbook of Logic in Computer Science
by Samson Abramsky, Dov M. Gabbay, and Thomas S. E. Maibaum
Logic is now widely recognized as one of the foundational disciplines of computing, and its applications reach almost every aspect of the subject, from software engineering and hardware to programming languages and AI. The Handbook of Logic in Computer Science is a multi-volume work covering all the major areas of application of logic to theoretical computer science. The handbook comprises six volumes, each containing five or six chapters giving an in-depth overview of one of the major topics in...
For advanced undergraduate/graduate courses in Microwave Circuits and Devices and VLSI Design. This unique and comprehensive text delivers a unified treatment of both system and circuit concepts, and details how to design gigahertz-speed radio frequency integrated circuits from a system perspective. Throughout the text, underlying circuit theories are provided in detail to complement simulation results, along with complete design case studies of each circuit block, down to transistor level.
Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design (McGraw-Hill Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering)
by Stephen D. Brown
The volume LNCS 12393 constitutes the papers of the 22nd International Conference Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery which will be held online in September 2020. The 15 full papers presented together with 14 short papers plus 1 position paper in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 77 submissions. This volume offers a wide range to following subjects on theoretical and practical aspects of big data analytics and knowledge discovery as a new generation...
Reasoning Web (Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, #5224) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #5224)
The Reasoning Web summer school series is a well-established event, attracting experts from academia and industry as well as PhD students interested in fo- dational and applicational aspects of the Semantic Web. This volume contains thelecturenotesofthefourthsummerschool, which took place in Venice, Italy, in September 2008. This year, the school focussed on a number of important application domains, in which semantic web techniques have proved to be p- ticularly e?ective or promising in tacklin...
Das Buch behandelt die in modernen Hochleistungsprozessoren zum Einsatz kommenden Techniken. Nach einer einfuhrenden Beschreibung von Programmiermodellen werden zunachst skalare Prozessoren, die Mikroprogrammierung und die Fliessbandverarbeitung diskutiert. Die in operationsparallel arbeitenden Prozessoren angewandten Prinzipien kommen zur Sprache. Dabei werden die Multimedia-Einheiten (SIMD-Einheiten), Feldrechner, Vektorrechner, Signalprozessoren, VLIW-Prozessoren und Prozessoren mit kontroll...
Robust Design of Microelectronics Assemblies Against Mechanical Shock, Temperature and Moisture discusses how the reliability of packaging components is a prime concern to electronics manufacturers. The text presents a thorough review of this important field of research, providing users with a practical guide that discusses theoretical aspects, experimental results, and modeling techniques. The authors use their extensive experience to produce detailed chapters covering temperature, mois...