Provides fast and easy access to information usually hidden in cumbersome manuals. Comprehensive in scope, it presents information on each command and function in the dBASE IV programming language.
Resource discovery is the process of identifying and locating existing resources thathavea particularproperty. Aresourcecorrespondsto aninformationsource such as a data repositoryor databasemanagement system (e. g. , a query form or a textual search engine), a link between resources (an index or hyperlink), or a servicesuchasanapplicationoratool. Resourcesarecharacterizedbycoreinf- mation including a name, a description of its input and its output (parameters or format), its address, and various...
An Analytic Inventory of DHS Headquarters Business Processes
by Jeffrey Wenger
Discovery Science (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #6332) (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, #6332)
th This volume contains the papers presented at the 13 International Conference on Discovery Science (DS 2010) held in Canberra, Australia, October 6-8, 2010. The main objective of the Discovery Science (DS) conference series is to provide an open forum for intensive discussions and the exchange of new ideas and information among researchers working in the area of automating sci- ti?c discovery or working on tools for supporting the human process of disc- ery in science. It has been a successful...
Management of Data
This volume comprises papers presented at the Eighth International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD'97). The papers presented describe work in the areas of: data mining; data warehousing; concurrency and recovery in databases; database design; data processing and optimization; meta-data; and deductive databases. The authors are database researchers and practitioners from Australia, China, France, Germany, India, Malaysia, Spain and the USA.
Bases de Datos Relacionales. Access 2016/2013/2010 Avanzado
by Libros Tecnicos
Object-Oriented C++ Data Structures for Real Programmers (for Real Programmers) (Real Programmers S.)
by Jan L. Harrington
Data structures play a key role in any serious development project, determining how the program acquires, stores, updates, and processes its in-memory data. Many of the basic techniques for constructing and governing access to data structures are well-documented, but most are structured programming techniques that do not translate well in an object-oriented environment. "Object-Oriented C++ Data Structures for Real Programmers" corrects this imbalance, teaching experienced C++ and Java developer...
Discovery Science (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, #8140) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #8140)
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Discovery Science, DS 2013, held in Singapore in October 2013, and co-located with the International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory, ALT 2013. The 23 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 52 submissions. They cover recent advances in the development and analysis of methods of automatic scientific knowledge discovery, machine learning, intelligent data analysis, and their a...
12th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, Time 2005, 23-25 June 2005, Burlington, Vermont
The SQL Server 6.5 Performance Optimization and Tuning Handbook
by Ken England
Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #6059)
Advanced Science and Technology, Advanced Communication and Networking, Information Security and Assurance, Ubiquitous Computing and Multimedia Appli- tions are conferences that attract many academic and industry professionals. The goal of these co-located conferences is to bring together researchers from academia and industry as well as practitioners to share ideas, problems and solutions relating to the multifaceted aspects of advanced science and technology, advanced communication and network...
Bioinformatics Research and Applications (Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, #6053)
th The 6 International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA2010)washeldduringMay23-26,2010attheUniversityofConnecticut, Storrs, Connecticut. The symposium provided a forum for the exchange of new results and ideas among researchers, developers, and practitioners working on all aspects of bioinformatics, computational biology, and their applications. The program of the symposium included 20 contributed papers selected by the ProgramCommittee from 57 submissions received in...
Learn everything you need to know to build efficient SQL queries using this easy-to-follow beginner’s guideKey FeaturesExplore all SQL statements in depth using a variety of examplesGet to grips with database querying, data aggregate, manipulation, and much moreUnderstand how to explore and process data of varying complexity to tell a storyBook DescriptionSQL is a powerful querying language that's used to store, manipulate, and retrieve data, and it is one of the most popular languages used by d...
Up and Running with PARADOX 4.0 for DOS
In the last few decades, advances in molecular biology and in the research - frastructure in this ?eld has given rise to the "omics" revolution in molecular biology,alongwiththeexplosionofdatabases:fromgenomicstotranscriptomics, proteomics, interactomics,and metabolomics. However,the huge amount of b- logicalinformationavailablehasleftabottleneckindataprocessing:information over?ow has called for innovative techniques for their visualization, modelling, interpretationandanalysis.The manyresultsf...
The Profit Impact of Business Intelligence
by Reader in Employment Relations Steve Williams and Nancy Williams
The Profit Impact of Business Intelligence presents an A-to-Z approach for getting the most business intelligence (BI) from a company's data assets or data warehouse. BI is not just a technology or methodology, it is a powerful new management approach that - when done right - can deliver knowledge, efficiency, better decisions, and profit to almost any organization that uses it. When BI first came on the scene, it promised a lot but often failed to deliver. The missing element was the busine...