As our heritage deteriorates through erosion, human error or natural disasters, it has become more important than ever to preserve our past - even if it is in digital form only. This highly relevant work describes thorough research and methods for preserving cultural heritage objects through the use of 3D digital data. These methods were developed via computer vision and computer graphics technologies. They offer a way of passing our heritage down to future generations.
Technische Bildverarbeitung — Maschinelles Sehen
by Bernd Jahne, Robert Massen, Bertram Nickolay, and Harald Scharfenberg
Vier namhafte Praktiker, Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaftler haben dieses Buch gemeinsam verfasst. Mit einem Maximum an Erfahrungswissen aus ihren jeweiligen Fachgebieten stellen sie die fur den Nutzer der Bildverarbeitung praxisrelevanten Grundlagen zusammen und beschreiben Methoden, Algorithmen und Gerate unter praktischen und wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten. Das Werk wendet sich daher primar an Ingenieure und Wissenschaftler, die sich mit der Integration von Bildverarbeitungssystemen in der...
Cooperative and Graph Signal Processing
Cooperative and Graph Signal Processing: Principles and Applications presents the fundamentals of signal processing over networks and the latest advances in graph signal processing. A range of key concepts are clearly explained, including learning, adaptation, optimization, control, inference and machine learning. Building on the principles of these areas, the book then shows how they are relevant to understanding distributed communication, networking and sensing and social networks. Finally, th...
Looking for a unique and creative place to store, organize, search, and securely share your digital photographs? Welcome to Flickr - a revolution in digital photography! How to Use Flickr: The Digital Photography Revolution is your one-stop guide to the capabilities of Flickr. All the basic Flickr features are presented, including how to create and set up your account and profile and how to upload your photos. Later chapters detail more advanced Flickr features such as how to organize your colle...
Computer Controlled Color Photograph Printer Operator Work Log (Orange Logs/Work Log)
by Orange Logs
Color Management for Digital Photographers For Dummies
by Ted Padova and Don Mason
Shows digital photo enthusiasts how to ensure that the color in an image file is accurately represented and reproduced, from camera or scanner to monitor or printer Packed with color management solutions that will help novices create picture-perfect images Discusses the main components of color management including understanding light, matching digital images to displays and prints, working with color spaces, calibrating a printer, and using color management tools Familiarizes readers with th...
Image and Video Processing is an active area of research due to its potential applications for solving real-world problems. Integrating computational intelligence to analyze and interpret information from image and video technologies is an essential step to processing and applying multimedia data. Emerging Technologies in Intelligent Applications for Image and Video Processing presents the most current research relating to multimedia technologies including video and image restoration and enhanc...
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom - Edit Like a Pro (2022 Release)
by Victoria Bampton
Under the title Probabilistic and Biologically Inspired Feature Representations, this text collects a substantial amount of work on the topic of channel representations. Channel representations are a biologically motivated, wavelet-like approach to visual feature descriptors: they are local and compact, they form a computational framework, and the represented information can be reconstructed. The first property is shared with many histogram- and signature-based descriptors, the latter property w...
This book introduces pioneering developments in binary representation learning on visual images, a state-of-the-art data transformation methodology within the fields of machine learning and multimedia. Binary representation learning, often known as learning to hash or hashing, excels in converting high-dimensional data into compact binary codes meanwhile preserving the semantic attributes and maintaining the similarity measurements. The book provides a comprehensive introduction to the latest r...
Digital Portrait Photography 101 (Digital Quick Guides)
by Bill Hurter
Motion Graphics with Adobe Creative Suite 5 Studio Techniques
by Richard Harrington and Ian Robinson
Almost all motion graphics artists today use After Effects, Photoshop, or Illustrator to some degree in their projects. But how do they decide which tool is best for the job and how can they utilize the various components in the Creative Suite together for the most efficient and effective workflow? This book cuts to the chase and shows readers an in-depth view of the various components in the Creative Suite as best utilized in professional motion graphics projects. With 4-color artwork from real...
Advances in Discrete Tomography and Its Applications (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
The book provides a unified presentation of new methods, algorithms, and select applications that are the foundations of multidimensional image construction and reconstruction. The self-contained survey chapters, written by leading mathematicians, engineers, and computer scientists, present cutting-edge research and results in the field. Three main areas are covered: theoretical results, algorithms, and practical applications. Following an historical and introductory overview of the field, the b...
This graduate textbook presents fundamentals, applications and evaluation of image segregation, unit description, feature measurement and pattern recognition. Analysis on textile, shape and motion are discussed and mathematical tools are employed extensively. Rich in examples and excises, it prepares electrical engineering and computer science students with knowledge and skills for further studies on image understanding.
Lossless Information Hiding in Images introduces many state-of-the-art lossless hiding schemes, most of which come from the authors' publications in the past five years. After reading this book, readers will be able to immediately grasp the status, the typical algorithms, and the trend of the field of lossless information hiding. Lossless information hiding is a technique that enables images to be authenticated and then restored to their original forms by removing the watermark and replacing...