Wer Internet, PC und/oder Handy zur Kommunikation nutzen möchte, benötigt möglichst einfache und schnelle Client-Server-Programme. Diese werden Sie mit Hilfe des Buches selbst leicht programmieren können - und dabei davon profitieren, dass es mit Verwendung von Open-Source-Software sogar meist kostenlos möglich ist. Das Buch bietet einen schnellen und einfachen Einstieg in die Programmierung von Web-Browsern und Web-Servern mit Hilfe von Sockets. Die hier vorgestellten Anwendungen sind schlank,...
Systemprogrammierung in UNIX / Linux
by Erich Ehses, Lutz Koehler, Petra Riemer, Horst Stenzel, and Frank Victor
UNIX / Linux spielt heute in der Praxis eingesetzter Systemplattformen eine entscheidende Rolle. In diesem Buch finden Sie einen schnellen Einstieg in die Systemprogrammierung. Neben Grundlagen und Konzepten lernen Sie die wesentlichen Systemaufrufe kennen. Sie erfahren, wie UNIX / Linux aufgebaut ist und wie man die Standardbausteine verwendet, um eigene Systemprogramme zu erstellen. Hierzu gehören Script-Programmierung, UNIX-Prozesse, Interprozess-Kommunikation und Synchronisation, UNIX-Date...
This volume constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments, VSTTE 2014, held in July 2014 at the Vienna Summer of Logic in Vienna, Austria, as an associated event of CAV 2014, the International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification. The 17 revised full papers presented were carefully revised and selected from 34 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections such as analysis:...
This Festschrift, published in honor of Bernhard Thalheim on the occasion of his 60th birthday presents 20 articles by colleagues from all over the world with whom Bernhard Thalheim had cooperation in various respects; also included is a scientific biography contributed by the volume editors. The 20 contributions reflect the breadth and the depth of the work of Bernhard Thalheim in conceptual modeling and database theory during his scientific career spanning more than 35 years of active researc...
AIxIA 2020 – Advances in Artificial Intelligence (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #12414)
This book constitutes the refereed post proceedings of the XIXth International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, AIxIA 2020, held in Milano, Italy, in November 2020.Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference was "rebooted"/ re-organized w.r.t. the original format.The 27 full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 89 submissions. The society aims at increasing the public awareness of Artificial Intelligence, encouraging the teaching and promoting resea...
Know how to use the features of Visual Studio 2019 and utilize the IDE correctly to become your one-stop solution for creating quality code. Learn what's new in VS 2019 and explore the existing features of Visual Studio so you can use them more efficiently. Getting Started with Visual Studio 2019 begins with an overview of Visual Studio and explores new features such as Visual Studio Live Share, Visual Studio Search, Solution Filters, and Intellicode. Author Dirk Strauss teaches you how to crea...
The GNU C Library Reference Manual Version 2.26
by Sandra Loosemore, Richard M Stallman, and Roland McGrath
Combinatorial Programming: Methods and Applications (NATO Science Series C, #19)
"Combinatorial Programming" are two words whose juxtaposition still strike us as unusual, nevertheless their association in recent years adequately reflects the preoccupations underlying differing work fields, and their importance will increase both from methodology and application view points. To those who like definitions and consider the function of this book to furnish one for combinatorial programming, I will simply say that it is precise ly this which is exclusively treated here and which...
A Programmer's Guide to ADO.NET in C# begins by taking readers through a fast-paced overview of C# and then delves into ADO.NET. Why should C# programmers use it instead of the existing technologies? What new functionality does it offer? The chapters that follow go through the details on each of the major Data Providers of the .NET platform (OleDb, SQL Server, and ODBC) that enable you to read and write data to the targeted database. These chapters also serve as a good reference for looking up d...
Functional Programming Languages in Education (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #1022)
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Symposium on Functional Programming Languages in Education, FPLE '95, held in Nijmegen, The Netherlands in December 1995. The 17 revised full papers included represent the current state-of-the-art in using functional languages in computer science education. Most papers report teaching experience in some detail, however, the emphasis is generally on technical issues. Functional languages are increasingly used for teaching i...
Reliable Software Technologies - Ada Europe 96 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #1088)
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 1996 Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, held in Montreux, Switzerland, in June 1996. The 35 revised full papers selected for inclusion in the volume, along with four attractive invited papers, were contributed by researchers, developers, and users; they cover numerous aspects of the Ada 95 programming language and address various current topics of reliable software in general. Among the issues addressed are...
Learn how to implement design patterns in Java: each pattern in Java Design Patterns is a complete implementation and the output is generated using Eclipse, making the code accessible to all. The examples are chosen so you will be able to absorb the core concepts easily and quickly. This book presents the topic of design patterns in Java in such a way that anyone can grasp the idea. By giving easy to follow examples, you will understand the concepts with increasing depth. The examples presented...
Software Engineering (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #5413) (Programming and Software Engineering, #5413)
Software engineering is widely recognized as one of the most exciting, stimulating, and profitable research areas, with a significant practical impact on the software industry. Thus, training future generations of software engineering researchers and bridging the gap between academia and industry are vital to the field. The International Summer School on Software Engineering (ISSSE), which started in 2003, aims to contribute both to training future researchers and to facilitating the exchange of...
The 2009 Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE 2009) was the 12thin a series ofsuccessful eventsthat havegrowninto the main forum for industrial and academic experts to discuss component technology. Component-based software engineering (CBSE) has emerged as the under- ing technology for the assembly of ?exible software systems. In essence, CBSE is about composing computational building blocks to construct larger building blocks that ful?ll client needs. Most software engineers...
The 14th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2010) was held in London, Ontario, Canada on the beautiful campus of the University of Western Ontario. It was a four-day conference starting August 17 and ending August 20, 2010. The DLT conference series is one of the major international conference series in language theory. It started in Turku, Finland in 1993. Initially, it was held onceeverytwoyears. Since2001,ithasbeenheldeveryyear,oddyearsinEurope and even years in...
Empirical Software Engineering and Verification (Programming and Software Engineering, #7007)
Software engineering, is widely recognized as one of today's mostexciting, stimulating, and profitable research areas, with a significant practical impact on the software industry and academia. The LASER school, held annually since 2004 on Elba Island, Italy, is intended for professionals from industry (engineers and managers) as well as university researchers, including PhD students. This book contains selected lecture notes from the LASER summer schools 2008-2010, which focused on concurrency...
Programmiersprachen – Konzepte, Strukturen und Implementierung in Java
by Achim Clausing
Algebraic Approach To Compiler Design, An (Amast Series In Computing, #4)
by Augusto Sampaio
This book investigates the design of compilers for procedural languages, based on the algebraic laws which these languages satisfy. The particular strategy adopted is to reduce an arbitrary source program to a general normal form, capable of representing an arbitrary target machine. This is achieved by a series of normal form reduction theorems which are proved algebraically from the more basic laws. The normal form and the related reduction theorems can then be instantiated to design compilers...
This tutorial volume includes the revised and extended tutorials (briefings) held at the 5th International Summer School on Grand Timely Topics in Software Engineering, GTTSE 2015, in Braga, Portugal, in August 2015. GTTSE 2015 applied a broader scope to include additional areas of software analysis, empirical research, modularity, and product lines. The tutorials/briefings cover probabilistic program analysis, ontologies insoftware engineering, empirical evaluation of programming and programmin...
This book constitutes the proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning, RuleML+RR 2017, held in London, UK, during July 2017. This is the first conference of a new series, joining the efforts of two existing conference series, namely “RuleML” (International Web Rule Symposium) and “RR” (Web Reasoning and Rule Systems). The 16 regular papers presented together with 2 keynote abstracts were carefully reviewed and selected from 29 submissions. The RR conference series h...