Multiprocessor Execution of Logic Programs addresses the problem of efficient implementation of logic programming languages, specifically Prolog, on multiprocessor architectures. The approaches and implementations developed attempt to take full advantage of sequential implementation technology developed for Prolog (such as the WAM) while exploiting all forms of control parallelism present in logic programs, namely, or-parallelism, independent and-parallelism and dependent and-parallelism...
Exploring C++ divides C++ up into bite-sized chunks that will help you learn the language one step at a time. Assuming no familiarity with C++, or any other C-based language, you’ll be taught everything you need to know in a logical progression of small lessons that you can work through as quickly or as slowly as you need. C++ can be a complicated language. Writing even the most straight-forward of programs requires you to understand many disparate aspects of the language and how they interact...
A clear, standardized reference for COBOL beginners COBOL programming is standardized, transferrable, and easily modified, resulting in information management software that can grow and change with your business. Getting Started With Micro Focus Personal COBOL 2.0 provides clear guidance for those new to the language, with step–by–step instruction throughout the development process. From planning and coding to compiling and testing, this book provides authoritative reference in alignment with A...
Introduction to Compiler Design (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
by Torben Aegidius Mogensen
This textbook is intended for an introductory course on Compiler Design, suitable for use in an undergraduate programme in computer science or related fields. Introduction to Compiler Design presents techniques for making realistic, though non-optimizing compilers for simple programming languages using methods that are close to those used in "real" compilers, albeit slightly simplified in places for presentation purposes. All phases required for translating a high-level language to machine lan...
XcalableMP PGAS Programming Language
XcalableMP is a directive-based parallel programming language based on Fortran and C, supporting a Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) model for distributed memory parallel systems. This open access book presents XcalableMP language from its programming model and basic concept to the experience and performance of applications described in XcalableMP. XcalableMP was taken as a parallel programming language project in the FLAGSHIP 2020 project, which was to develop the Japanese flagship sup...
Compiler Compilers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #477) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 477)
Advances and problems in the field of compiler compilers are considered in this volume, which presents the proceedings of the third in a series of biannual workshops on compiler compilers. Selected papers address the topics of requirements, properties, and theoretical aspects of compiler compilers as well as tools and metatools for software engineering. The 23 papers cover a wide spectrum in the field of compiler compilers, ranging from overviews of new compiler compilers for generating quality...
Abstract Computing Machines (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS)
by Werner Kluge
The book emphasizes the design of full-fledged, fully normalizing lambda calculus machinery, as opposed to the just weakly normalizing machines.
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #1382)
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, FASE'98, held as part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS'98, held in Lisbon, Portugal, in March/April 1998. Besides two invited presentations and three system demonstrations, this volume presents 18 revised full papers selected from a total of 59 submissions. Among the various fundamental software engineering issues addre...
Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #1332)
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th European Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface Users' Group Meeting, PVM/MPI '97, held in Cracow, Poland in November 1997. Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface are the most popular tools for programming in accordance with the message passing paradigm which, at present, is considered to be the best way to develop effective parallel programs. The book presents 63 carefully selected papers covering the whol...
Modern Authentication with Azure Active Directory for Web Applications (Developer Reference)
by Bertocci
Build advanced authentication solutions for any cloud or web environment Active Directory has been transformed to reflect the cloud revolution, modern protocols, and today’s newest SaaS paradigms. This is an authoritative, deep-dive guide to building Active Directory authentication solutions for these new environments. Author Vittorio Bertocci drove these technologies from initial concept to general availability, playing key roles in everything from technical design to documentation. In this bo...
The STL is increasingly becoming an extension to the language that will be supported by most if not all C++ compilers. It provides a collection of generic data structures and algorithms and has been adopted by the ANSI committee for the standardisation of C++. Its principal strengths are that: * the STL generalises the concept of iterator * the STL algorithms can be used on regular arrays, thus increasing the applicability of the algorithms * the STL pays particular attention to the efficiency o...
Proceedings of the Sigplan Symposium on Compiler Construction, 1984 (Sigplan Notices)
This volume contains the proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Languages andCompilers for Parallel Computing, held in Santa Clara, California, in August1991. The purpose of the workshop, held every year since 1988, is to bring together the leading researchers on parallel programming language designand compilation techniques for parallel computers. The papers in this book cover several important topics including: (1) languages and structures to represent programs internally in the compiler, (...
Crafting a Compiler with C
by Charles N. Fischer and Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
This extremely practical, hands-on approach to building compilers using the C programming language includes numerous examples of working code from a real compiler and covers such advanced topics as code generation, optimization, and real-world parsing. It is an ideal reference and tutorial. 0805321667B04062001
Programming with Sets (Monographs in Computer Science)
by Jacob T Schwartz, Robert Dewar, E. Dubinsky, and E. Schonberg
The programming language SETL is a relatively new member of the so-called "very-high-level" class of languages, some of whose other well-known mem bers are LISP, APL, SNOBOL, and PROLOG. These languages all aim to reduce the cost of programming, recognized today as a main obstacle to future progress in the computer field, by allowing direct manipulation of large composite objects, considerably more complex than the integers, strings, etc., available in such well-known mainstream languages as PA...
The Synthesizer Generator (Monographs in Computer Science) (Lecture Notes in Economic and Mathematical Systems)
by Thomas W. Reps and Tim Teitelbaum
This book is a detailed account of the Synthesizer Generator, a system for creat ing specialized editors that are customized for editing particular languages. The book is intended for those with an interest in software tools and in methods for building interactive systems. It is a must for people who are using the Syn thesizer Generator to build editors because it provides extensive discussions of how to write editor specifications. The book should also be valuable for people who are building...
The Art and Science of Game Development
by Kameron Hussain and Frahaan Hussain
Dieses Buch vermittelt dem Leser fundierte Grundkenntnisse sowohl in Datenbanken als auch in SQL. Eine Zusammenfassung und zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben in jedem Kapitel dienen der Vertiefung des Stoffes und verbessern den Lernerfolg deutlich. Die Schwerpunkte des Buches sind relationale Datenbanken, Entwurf von Datenbanken, die Programmiersprache SQL und der Zugriff auf Datenbanken mittels der Sprache PHP. Aber auch Themen wie Recovery, Concurrency, Sicherheit und Integrität werden ausführlich besp...
Advances in Computing Science - Asian'98 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #1538)
This volume contains the proceedings of the Fourth Asian Computing Science Conference (ASIAN98), held December 8{10, 1998, in Manila, the Philippines. The previous three ASIAN conferences were also published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volumes 1023 (Bangkok, 1995), 1179 (Singapore, 1996), and 1345 (Kathmandu, 1997). Initiated in 1995 by the Asian Institute of Technology in partnership with INRIAandUNU,the ASIANconferenceseriesaimsatprovidingaforuminAsia fortheexchangeofthemostrecentres...
Algebraic Specification Techniques in Object Oriented Programming Environments (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #562)
by Ruth Breu
The main aim of this monograph is to provide a framework for the integrated design of object-oriented programs with algebraic specification techniques. The design method pursued relies fundamentally on the structuring of systems based on the notion of data types. Depending on the level of abstraction, data types are described in an object-oriented way by algebraic specifications or by machine-executable object-oriented programs. The treatment involves two main aspects. First,...