KETOGENIC DIET POULTRY COOKBOOK (second edition) (Ketogenic Diet Cookbook, #6)
by Felicity Flinn
"Be a pig for a day ... the kitchen is your pigpen and life's good! ... From classics to off the wall, these top-secret egg recipes will fill your tummy and tickle your brain!"--[p.4] Cover.
Journal Your Life's Journey
by Blank Book Billionaire and Journal Your Life's Journey
How to Cook Holiday Roasts & Birds (Cook's Illustrated How to Cook)
Kitchen Pro Series: Guide to Meat Identification, Fabrication, and Utilization is the definitive guide to purchasing and fabricating meat cuts for professional chefs, foodservice personnel, culinarians, and food enthusiasts. Part of the CIA’s new Kitchen Pro Series focusing on kitchen preparation skills, this user-friendly, full-color resource provides practical information on fabricating beef, pork, veal, lamb, game, and exotic meats. Helpful storage information, basic preparation methods for e...
North American Meat Processors Chicken Notebook Guide
An easy reference to the most common foodservice cuts, this package contains five copies of the foodservice cut charts of chicken.