Pro Smart Grilling Recipe Ideas (Smart Grill Recipes for All Days)
by William Burn
With the publication of The Raw Food Detox Diet, Natalia Rose popularized the concept of "detox dieting." Her principles for cleansing and revitalizing the body by emphasizing living foods and proper food combinations caught the attention of Doris Choi, personal chef and caterer to New York's cognoscenti-and inspired a whole new culinary approach. Rose and Choi teamed up to create The Rose Program Culinary Institute and Detox Delivers, an innovative cooking school and food delivery service for c...
The ultimate collection of seventy-five irresistible and easy recipes for spiralizer fanatics, from the veteran cookbook author and New York Times contributor Martha Rose Shulman.
An army marches on its stomach—so the classic saying goes. This book brings together excerpts from contemporary manuals for U.S. Army cooks to show how the U.S. Army fed and provisioned its troops in the early 20th century and lift the lid on what daily life must have been like both for those preparing and consuming the rations. The oldest manual included dates from 1896. At this time, the U.S. Army was involved in the last skirmishes of the Indian Wars, the Spanish-American war and the Philip...