After receiving a distress call from another submarine off the Syrian coast, the crew of the USS Nebraska search a series of massive caverns, where they discover a 70-year-old shipwrecked Soviet sub, whose crew died under mysterious circumstances. While investigating this enigma, the Nebraska's away team discover a massive underground sanctum dedicated to Mot, the ancient Ugarit god of death. As strange events occur on board, the away team soon discover that the sanctum was not built to worship...
At last! The collected adventures of those lovable and loathable Halloween hooligans from the town of Turgid Meadows in one vile volume! It began with a horrible Halloween omen. An apple for a treat! But it ended in murder, mayhem and madness. From zombie hordes to alien invasions, this book's got it all! What more could you want? How about all three original volumes reprinted in 'gore-ious' full color?! But wait, there's more! All-new bonus 10-page story by Benjamin Roman! Original color co...
Lose #6 is the latest installment in Michael DeForge's one-person short story anthology series. Hailed as the next Daniel Clowes or Chris Ware, DeForge is cartooning's brightest young star, and Lose is a standalone showcase for his talents. Michael DeForge currently lives and works in Toronto as a cartoonist, commercial illustrator, and designer for the hit Cartoon Network program Adventure Time. His one-person anthology series Lose has received great critical and commercial success, having bee...