Kommunikation wirkt! Trauen Sie sich in Meetings auch oft nicht das zu sagen, was Sie wirklich denken? Fragen Sie sich, wie Sie mit verbaler Aggression souverän umgehen und Konflikte kommunikativ lösen können? Petra Lahnstein zeigt Ihnen, wie es geht: mit einer ehrlichen, authentischen und einladenden Kommunikation, die ein wertschätzendes Miteinander fördert. In diesem Buch finden Sie typische Kommunikationssituationen aus dem Berufsalltag und konkrete Antwortmöglichkeiten. Legen Sie los und...
If you're stressed and unhappy because of problems with a boss or colleague, you pay a price. Not only can your mental and physical health suffer, your nearest and dearest get sick of hearing about it. Going to bed angry and waking up only to dread a new workday is a terrible way to live. Remote work may have lessened the impact of annoying colleagues for a while, but they can still find ways to irritate. If you're co-located, the 'mute' and 'stop video' buttons don't exist to diminish your exas...
You've got a good idea. You know it could make a crucial difference for you, your organization, your community. You present it to the group, but get confounding questions, inane comments, and verbal bullets in return. Before you know what's happened, your idea is dead, shot down. You're furious. Everyone has lost: Those who would have benefited from your proposal. You. Your company. Perhaps even the country. It doesn't have to be this way, maintain John Kotter and Lorne Whitehead. In Buy-In, th...
Business Continuity Management: Choosing to survive shows you how to systematically prepare your business, not only for the unthinkable, but also for smaller incidents which, if left unattended, could well lead to major disasters. A business continuity management (BCM) program is critical for every business today, and this book will enable you to develop and implement yours to maximum effect.
What will happen to your business community in the event of a disaster? Emergency service providers and industrial fire brigade leaders will want to read this book to learn how rapid change in the business environment is the new norm. The ability to effectively respond to and manage disruptions in a timely manner are now the deciding factor in any organization's survivability. Integrated Business Continuity: Maintaining Resilience in Uncertain Times guides senior executives, operational manage...
If we want a more equitable workplace—and a more equitable world—we have to talk to each other about race. But, for so many of us, that’s easier said than done. When we avoid conversations about race, it’s often because of fear: fear of discomfort, or of damaging important relationships; fear of being misunderstood, “canceled,” ostracized. Negotiation expert Kwame Christian’s motto is: "The best things in life are on the other side of difficult conversations." How to Have Difficult Conversa...
In recent years, researchers and practitioners have explored the nature, theory, and best practices that are required for effective and ethical crisis preparation and response. The consequences of being unprepared to respond quickly, appropriately, and ethically to a crisis are dramatic and well documented. For this reason, crisis consulting and the development of crisis response plans and protocols have become more than a cottage industry. Taking a rhetorical view of crisis events and utteranc...
The Big Book of Restorative Justice (Justice and Peacebuilding)
by Howard Zehr, Allan MacRae, Kay Pranis, and Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz
The four most popular restorative justice books in the Justice & Peacebuilding series-The Little Book of Restorative Justice: Revised and Updated, The Little Book of Victim Offender Conferencing, The Little Book of Family Group Conferences, and The Little Book of Circle Processes-in one affordable volume. And now with a new foreword from Howard Zehr, one of the founders of restorative justice! Restorative justice, with its emphasis on identifying the justice needs of everyone involved in a crim...
Las 33 Estrategias de La Guerra (Alta Definicion)
by Professor Robert Greene and Joost Elffers
Development of Fast and Efficient Image Super Resolution Methods
by Ashutosh Aggarwal
Bullies aren't limited to the playground. These days, they roam our offices and can be found everywhere from break rooms to boardrooms. They don't steal your lunch money, but they can make your work life a living hell - and even ruin your career. Whether the bully is a boss or a co-worker...whether you're the target of manipulation, intimidation, verbal abuse, or deliberate humiliation, Beating the Workplace Bully will show you how to fight back. Filled with exercises, assessments, and real-life...
Design Thinking Empathy Book
by Design Thinking Journals and Isynergy Businessdesign
Nothing to lose…When nineteen-year-old Tommy Carter throws away a promising career as a professional boxer to work for local villain Davey Abbott, everyone thinks he’s made a huge mistake - collecting debts and working in strip clubs is no life for a young lad just starting out in life.Everything to gain.A brutal fighter, Tommy quickly earns a reputation for himself – feared and respected by everyone - and becomes Davey’s trusted right-hand man. But when Davey is murdered Tommy is shocked to lea...
A claim that we can now for the first time in history, begin to understand how the brain behaves as a self-organizing system in which information arranges itself into patterns. de Bono contends that logic and argument has proved very useful in dealing with technical matters but less so for dealing with human affairs. The implications of this change are spelled out in this book which suggests that humour is the most significant activity of the brain, that language is good at description but very...
Mean Girls at Work: How to Stay Professional When Things Get Personal (Enhanced Ebook)
by Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster
Many assumed characteristics of generational groupings are actually “myths,” meaning that generational stereotypes are not accurate across all members of a generation. This book explores the Generation Myth by highlighting the complexity of the “generation” concept beyond simple age-based groupings and suggests that the over reliance of generational stereotypes in workplaces and society can lead to less than optimal interactions and even conflict. Several successful strategies are presented th...