"Trap Tales" ist Ihr Leitfaden zur Vermeidung der 7 Hindernisse, die Menschen jeden Tag ablenken und aufhalten. Wir alle tappen in diese Fallen und merken es oft nicht, oder erst, wenn es zu spat ist. Wie bei Treibsand kann man leicht in Fallen geraten, aber schwer wieder herauskommen - umso mehr man es versucht, umso tiefer versinkt man darin. Aber was ware, wenn wir diese Fallen umgehen koennten? Wenn wir sie schon aus der Ferne erkennen koennten und einen grossen Bogen um sie machen wurden?...
New Year Happy Planner 2020 (Clarity Planner, #4)
by Forward Motion Planners
Academic Planner 2019-2020 - Motivational Quotes - Always Think Outside the Box (Quotes, #9)
by Planners for Academics
Napoleon Hill's Greatest Speeches (Official Publication of the Napoleon Hill Foundation)
by Napoleon Hill and Don M Green
The Price Waterhouse Guide to Career Development for Managers
by Alana Hunt
The responsibility for careers today is shifting from the organization to individuals, who must plan and direct their own future. Taking on this responsibility can be an unwelcome and unsettling experience. This manual provides managers who wish to develop their careers with the tools and knowledge to conduct the job search and the skills to be successful. It provides guidance through explanation and example, as well as self-assessment exercises. It encourages managers to review their career his...