Most Lawyers Are Liars - The Truth About LLC's - Updated
by The Money Guy
2020-2021 Two Year Planner (2 Year Monthly Planner 2020-2021, #23)
by Johan Publishers
Your Journey to Franchise Ownership
by Lynne D Shelton and Richard Avdoian
Negotiating International Franchise Agreements (International Business Negotiating Guides)
by Mendelsohn
The Essential Women's Guide to Buying a Franchise
by Clive Sawyer and Murielle Maupoint
Do you want to be your own boss and change your life? Do you dream of running your own business but don't know if you have the skills? Are you considering buying a franchise and are not sure how to do it? With more women than ever choosing to run their own business, franchising offers an exciting, flexible and fulfilling business ownership opportunity for many. The Essential Women's Guide to Buying a Franchise is packed full of useful information and practical, down-to-earth advice to help you c...
Street Smart Franchising: Read This Before You Buy a Franchise
by Joe Mathews, Don DeBolt, and Deb Percival
The truth you need to knowbefore you buy a franchiseThis straight-shooting franchise guide goes beyondthe “how-to” to teach you whatto expect when starting a franchise. Real-life storiesfrom the trenches illustrate to you how to copewith the difficulties a franchise presents. Smart Franchisingreveals the personality types most likely tosucceed at franchising and warns you aboutthe character traits that may increase the risk of failure.Plus, it offers an in-depth look at what happensduring the re...