Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning, Volume 8
As device sizes in the semiconductor industries shrink, devices become more vulnerable to smaller contaminant particles, and most conventional cleaning techniques employed in the industry are not effective at smaller scales. The book series Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning as a whole provides an excellent source of information on these alternative cleaning techniques as well as methods for characterization and validation of surface contamination. Each volume has a particular t...
Spend Analysis and Specification Development Using Failure Interpretation
by Michael D. Holloway
Considering that the biggest machines that do the most work are made up of smaller machines and components, it becomes obvious that when a large machine breaks, it is normally due to small components acting antagonistically. Detailing a time-tested method for increasing productivity and lowering operational costs, Spend Analysis and Specification Development Using Failure Interpretation explains how to establish performance-based procurement specifications for the components, devices, and items...
Deutschland ist gebaut: Drei Viertel aller Wohngeb ude sind ber 30 Jahre alt und m ssten dringend modernisiert werden. Das Werk bietet einen berblick dar ber, welche Kriterien bei einer umfassenden Modernisierung beachtet werden m ssen, um eine wirtschaftlich tragf hige, sozialvertr gliche und umweltgerechte L sung zu finden. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf Mehrfamilienh usern. Jedes Kapitel bietet umfangreiche Checklisten, mit deren Hilfe Modernisierungsaufgaben systematisch angegangen werden...
Die Erhaltung von Großsiedlungen in Plattenbauweise ist sinnvoll und erforderlich. Die Grundlage für Strategien zur Weiterentwicklung der Berliner Großsiedlungen werden über die Grenzen Deutschlands hinaus beachtet. Immer mehr Städte in Mittel- und Osteuropa wenden sich der notwendigen Stabilisierung ihrer Großsiedlungen in Plattenbauweise zu. Die Lösung der damit verbundenen Aufgaben ist das zentrale Thema des Werks, entstanden aus der Diskussion auf dem Internationalen Plattenbaukongress in Be...
2011 Benchmarking Performance Indicators for Water & Wastewater Utilities
by Awwa Staff
Updated from the 2007 Survey, this latest report lets you compare your water or wastewater utility with other US utilities in 34 key areas of operations, management, business, and customer service. 12 additional key benchmarks are provided in the 2011 update than in the 2007 update. Data is from 2011.
The book assembles the latest research on new design techniques in water supplies using desalinated seawater. The authors examine the diverse issues related to the intakes and outfalls of these facilities. They clarify how and why these key components of the facilities impact the cost of operation and subsequently the cost of water supplied to the consumers. The book consists of contributed articles from a number of experts in the field who presented their findings at the "Desalination Intakes a...
This book presents the state of the art of two areas: intelligent residential buildings and the behaviour of their occupants. These areas need to be treated together in order to develop new concepts for buildings, which are more efficient, more comfortable and more healthy. The concept of intelligent building is associated with the creation of a management system that takes into account the requirements of the occupants in terms of thermal comfort and their daily activities, maintaining good...
This book provides organizations with a guide to planning, developing, and implementing an energy reduction and management program. It is specially designed to achieve energy reduction deployment including top management for all employees and onsite contractors. Energy reduction deployment (ERD) can be implemented by itself and render significant savings; however, for even greater savings, this book shows how to implement energy centered management systems (ECMS) which can be in congruence with...
Dealing with an area that is a step on from the design, procurement and furnishing of buildings, this book on facility management covers the skills of managing how the facility is used and how it evolves in response to changing occupier demands. It stresses the role of information technology in making facilities management an immediate managers tool. The book contains examples and illustrations to show the potential detail and speed of access available.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Proven Strategies and Solutions for Reducing Energy Consumption Property and facility managers can turn to Energy-Efficient Building Systems as a one-stop guide to operating and maintaining commercial building systems at peak efficiency. Designed to help reduce energy costs and meet environmental stand...
This Special Briefing is designed to provide information that is not readily available within the sport and landscape industry. Peter Dury addresses a range of important management concerns and objectives, including techniques for ensuring quality of provision and introducing performance quality standards, providing value for money and formulating landscape management plans, as well as an assessment of the research findings of the past twenty years and a review of the initiatives, legislation an...
Crew Commander Log (Logbook, Journal - 126 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches) (Manchester Designs/Record Books)
by Manchester Designs
Facilities Maintenance & Repair Construction Cost Data (Means Facilities Maintenance & Repair Construction Cost Data)
Disaster Recovery Procedures for Business Continuity Management (Professional's Ready-To-Use Procedure)
Inventory and Production Management in Supply Chains
by Edward A. Silver, David F. Pyke, and Douglas J. Thomas
Authored by a team of experts, the new edition of this bestseller presents practical techniques for managing inventory and production throughout supply chains. It covers the current context of inventory and production management, replenishment systems for managing individual inventories within a firm, managing inventory in multiple locations and firms, and production management. The book presents sophisticated concepts and solutions with an eye towards today's economy of global demand, cost-savi...
Price-Forecasting Models for NV5 Holdings, Inc. NVEE Stock (NASDAQ Composite Components, #1913)
by Ton Viet Ta