Dieses Notizbuch Gehoert Dem Besten Elektriker Aller Zeiten
by Igor Rousinovic
Facility Management
by Hans P Braun, Peter Haller, and Eberhard Oesterle
Ein praktischer Leitfaden zur Einfhrung von Facility Management. Aufgabe dieser Managementmethode ist die Planung, Realisierung, Bewirtschaftung und das Controlling des Anlagevermgens. Die Autoren geben einen berblick zum Facility Management und illustrieren diesen mit praktischen Beispielen. Die Themen reichen vom kostenstellenorientierten Flchenmanagement ber die Energiebewirtschaftung und Instandhaltung bis zur technischen Bewirtschaftung des Gebudebestandes. Weitere Schwerpunkte sind Einspar...
Erfolgspotenziale der Holzhybridbauweise in der Immobilienprojektentwicklung
by Benjamin Wagner, Michael Heckmann, Andreas Pfnur, and Christian Glock
Praxisnahe Forschungsarbeit, die sich mit den Potenzialen der Holzhybridbauweise für die Immobilienentwicklung beschäftig. Dabei werden sowohl die Aspekte der Holzhybridbauweise im Kontext der Nachhalitigkeit beleuchtet, als auch im Rahmen von Experteninterviews die Chancen und Herausforderungen erfragt und ausgewertet. Ein konzeptionller Vergleich der ökologischen Auwirkungen der Holzhybridbauweise mit anderen Bauweisen und eine Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse dieser Bauweise runden das Werk ab und...
Factory Lay Out Engineer Work Log (Key Work Logs/Work Log)
by Key Work Logs
Facilities Maintenance & Repair Construction Cost Data (Means Facilities Maintenance & Repair Construction Cost Data)
Emergency Management Specialist Log (Log Book, Journal - 125 pgs, 8.5 X 11 inche (Centurion Logbooks/Record Books)
by Centurion Logbooks
Facilities Planner Log (Logbook, Journal - 124 pages, 6 x 9 inches) (Unique Logbook/Record Books)
by Unique Logbooks
M65 On-site Generation of Hypochlorite (AWWA Manuals of Practice)
by American Water Works Association
This manual should help operators, planners, management, and engineers improve their decision-making processes about OSG systems using a holistic risk management approach that considers not only triple-bottom-line approaches but also the specific regional situation when choosing a chlorination system.
Operational Policy Making for Professional Security: Practical Policy Skills for the Public and Private Sector is a clear, concise, and practical resource for drafting effective, legally defensible security policies. Presented in a clear, step-by-step style that can be tailored to fit the smallest organization to the largest, the book offers the strategies needed for reducing risk through solid policy construction. It is the first book available that provides a step-by-step guide to basic sec...
Freight & Stock Handler Log (Unique Logbooks/Record Books)
by Unique Logbooks
Das Buch enthalt eine umfassende Darstellung aller Aspekte des Gebaudebrandschutzes. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die besonderen Risiken, die gebaudetechnische Anlagen fur die Ausbreitung von Rauch und Feuer in sich bergen sowie die Vorbeugung von Brandgefahren bei der Einrichtung gebaudetechnischer Anlagen und bei Reparaturarbeiten. Der hohe Installationsgrad in Gebauden und die Vielfalt der technischen Anlagenkomponenten erfordern umfassende brandschutztechnische Spezialkenntnisse. Hierzu gehoert auc...
This book provides a blueprint for action for readers making decisions about how to improve the energy efficiency and performance of new or existing buildings. Suitable for both seasoned veterans and new managers, it takes an objective and orderly approach to what is often a complex, costly, and time-consuming process. The book presents fundamental principles illustrated with case studies. It thoroughly covers the topics in a concise, technically accurate way. The book is designed for architects...
This updated handbook provides a range of methods and ideas to reduce energy bills. It presents step-by-step guidelines for hundreds of energy conservation opportunities.
This comprehensive fully updated reference will guide you step-by-step in applying the principles of energy engineering and management to the design of electrical, HVAC, utility, process, and building systems for both new design and retrofits. You will learn how to do an energy, analysis of any system. Detailed presentations cover electrical system optimization, state-of-the-art lighting and lighting controls, thermal storage, cogeneration, HVAC system optimization, HVAC and building controls, a...
Arming America at War A Model for Rapid Defense Acquisition in Time of War (PB)
by Seth Blakeman, Anthony Gibbs, and Jeyanthan Jeyasingam
This book follows the evolution of a model for quick and efficient national defense war fighting asset acquisition during time of war. It documents the case of a critically important war fighting acquisition program from initial needs identification and program start in 2006 through production and fielding in the period 2007-2010. The analysis focuses on the entire process of acquisition and contracting from concept development through getting the weapons system into action in Iraq, Afghanistan...
Military Installation Public-to-Public Partnerships
by Beth E Lachman, Susan A Resetar, and Frank Camm
The Facility Management Handbook
by David G Cotts, Kathy O Roper, and Richard P Payant
Nothing ever published in the facility management field comes close to the unconditional acceptance of "The Facility Management Handbook". Extensively updated for the realities of today's workplace, the book gives readers the tools and guidance they need to wipe out inefficiency, and create a productive facility that integrates people, place, and process. In addition, the book includes 30 per cent new material, including indispensable information on sustainability and post 9/11 security concerns...