Facility Security Principles for Non-Security Practitioners
by Jr Art B Crow
Business Continuity Management: Choosing to survive shows you how to systematically prepare your business, not only for the unthinkable, but also for smaller incidents which, if left unattended, could well lead to major disasters. A business continuity management (BCM) program is critical for every business today, and this book will enable you to develop and implement yours to maximum effect.
Operational Policy Making for Professional Security: Practical Policy Skills for the Public and Private Sector is a clear, concise, and practical resource for drafting effective, legally defensible security policies. Presented in a clear, step-by-step style that can be tailored to fit the smallest organization to the largest, the book offers the strategies needed for reducing risk through solid policy construction. It is the first book available that provides a step-by-step guide to basic sec...
This comprehensive fully updated reference will guide you step-by-step in applying the principles of energy engineering and management to the design of electrical, HVAC, utility, process, and building systems for both new design and retrofits. You will learn how to do an energy, analysis of any system. Detailed presentations cover electrical system optimization, state-of-the-art lighting and lighting controls, thermal storage, cogeneration, HVAC system optimization, HVAC and building controls, a...
Operational Research for Emergency Planning in Healthcare: Volume 1 (Or Essentials)
Price-Forecasting Models for NV5 Holdings, Inc. NVEE Stock (NASDAQ Composite Components, #1913)
by Ton Viet Ta
Foundations of Location Analysis (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, #155)
Location analysis has matured from an area of theoretical inquiry that was designed to explain observed phenomena to a vibrant field which can be and has been used to locate items as diverse as landfills, fast food outlets, gas stations, as well as politicians and products in issue and feature spaces. Modern location science is dealt with by a diverse group of researchers and practitioners in geography, economics, operations research, industrial engineering, and computer science. Given the tre...
Dieses Notizbuch Gehoert Dem Besten Elektriker Aller Zeiten
by Igor Rousinovic
Facilities Maintenance & Repair Construction Cost Data (Means Facilities Maintenance & Repair Construction Cost Data)
Creating Emotionally Intelligent Workspaces
by Edward Finch and Guillermo Aranda-Mena
Emotions in the workplace have until recently been seen simply as a distraction. We often think of work as rational, logical and non-emotional. But organisations are waking up to the key role of emotions and affect at work. Emotions influence how we make decisions, how we relate with one another and how we make sense of our surroundings. Whilst organisations are slowly embracing the pivotal role of emotions, designers and managers of workplaces have been struggling to keep up. New insights from...
Erfolgspotenziale der Holzhybridbauweise in der Immobilienprojektentwicklung
by Benjamin Wagner, Michael Heckmann, Andreas Pfnur, and Christian Glock
Praxisnahe Forschungsarbeit, die sich mit den Potenzialen der Holzhybridbauweise für die Immobilienentwicklung beschäftig. Dabei werden sowohl die Aspekte der Holzhybridbauweise im Kontext der Nachhalitigkeit beleuchtet, als auch im Rahmen von Experteninterviews die Chancen und Herausforderungen erfragt und ausgewertet. Ein konzeptionller Vergleich der ökologischen Auwirkungen der Holzhybridbauweise mit anderen Bauweisen und eine Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse dieser Bauweise runden das Werk ab und...
Military Installation Public-to-Public Partnerships
by Beth E Lachman, Susan A Resetar, and Frank Camm
Das Buch enthalt eine umfassende Darstellung aller Aspekte des Gebaudebrandschutzes. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die besonderen Risiken, die gebaudetechnische Anlagen fur die Ausbreitung von Rauch und Feuer in sich bergen sowie die Vorbeugung von Brandgefahren bei der Einrichtung gebaudetechnischer Anlagen und bei Reparaturarbeiten. Der hohe Installationsgrad in Gebauden und die Vielfalt der technischen Anlagenkomponenten erfordern umfassende brandschutztechnische Spezialkenntnisse. Hierzu gehoert auc...
Many people, professionals and non-professionals alike, recognize that it is of critical importance to solve global energy and environmental issues. For this purpose, it is essential to have a scientific understanding of what is meant by the “energy” issue is and the “environmental” issue. The concept of “exergy” is a scientific concept that exactly fits. The concept of ‘energy’ is a scientifically-well established concept, namely ‘to be conserved’. Then the question is what is really consumed...
Dealing with an area that is a step on from the design, procurement and furnishing of buildings, this book on facility management covers the skills of managing how the facility is used and how it evolves in response to changing occupier demands. It stresses the role of information technology in making facilities management an immediate managers tool. The book contains examples and illustrations to show the potential detail and speed of access available.
This book includes broad coverage of production and associated services. Since the success of manufacturing operations depends on the demand information and costs and revenue, qualitative and quantitative techniques of demand forecasting and also financial analysis are covered in this book. Topics such as facilities layout, inventory, project management, production, planning and management are explained in detail. Additional topics include quality control and work study.